Christmas Market cancelled at Culcheth


CULCHETH’S Christmas Market – which was due to be held on Saturday, November 26 – has been cancelled.

The cancellation has come as a blow to local organisations and traders who had booked stalls at the event.

A spokesperson for Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council said: “We are very sorry to be the bearer of bad news at this late stage, but through no fault of our own and due to circumstances way beyond our control, we have to cancel the Christmas Market.”
However, other events scheduled for the same day, will still go ahead, including the switching on of the Christmas Lights at 4.15pm at the Millennium Gardens, when carol singing will take place.

In addition, the Christmas Fairs at Newchurch Parish Hall and the Methodist Hall will still take place, together with an event at the Scout Hut and the exhibition by members of Culcheth Art Group at the Culcheth Centre in Jackson Avenue from 10am to 4pm.
It had been hoped the Christmas Market would be back with a bang this year, following previous cancellations because of the Covid panemic.

Local Cllr Sue Bland added: “It is with heavy hearts that we have had to do this. We apologise to the public and especially the would be stallholders,who on the whole,have been very answer a few questions asking why:
“The problem was with regard to the 20+ gazebos.. the delivery,setting up,weighing down( health /safety requirements)Plus the removal and return of them.”


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