Benefit cheats must repay £6,000


TWO benefit cheats who between them falsely claimed almost £6,000 were ordered to repay the money when they appeared before magistrates at Warrington.
Sarah Worthington, 29, of Birdwell Drive, Great Sankey, pleaded guilty to failing to notify the council that her partner was living with her.
The court was told she was overpaid income support of £1,886, housing benefit of £1,491 and council tax benefit of £361.
She was sentenced to a six week curfew order and ordered to repay the overpayment plus £100 costs.
Stuart Brierley, 34, of Ventnor Close, also Great Sankey, pleaded guilty to failing to notify the council that he had started work.
Magistrates heard he was overpaid housing benefit of £1,710 and council tax benefit of £335.
He was sentenced to a 50 hour community punishment order and ordered to repay the overpayment plus £100 costs.
After the hearings, Adrian Webster, Warrington Borough Council’s benefits manager, said: “All benefit theft is crime. There are no exceptions. People who knowingly withhold information or deliberately fail to report a change in their circumstances are benefit thieves. It is not ‘playing the game’ – it is breaking the law.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I have worked for 25 years, last year I paid £10,000 in tax and NI. January I lost my job, and went to claim benefiit to tide me over for the short period I expect to be looking for new work. £65 per week id what I can get. as the main breadwinner in my household. I get less per month than I paid last year per week. No help with my mortgage, no school lunches for my kids, because I’m contribution based JSA…punnished for contributing for 25 years….so who are the real theives…the government thats who ! it was INSURANCE when I was paying, its a BENEFIT when I claim.

  2. The last Labour Government made life easy on people on benefits – 7 BILLION IN FRAUD YEAR ON YEAR. At last the Lib Dems/Tory Government are holding the these people to account. They are the one’s that have never worked and the ones who all tax payers like us pay for. It’s bloody wrong and well done Government for finally getting a grip.

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