Steering group aims to restore the jewel in Culcheth’s crown


NEW steering group has taken over management of Culcheth Sports Club with the avowed intention of restoring it to its former glory as “the jewel in Culcheth’s crown.”

In less than a month since a community meeting at the Charnock Road club on September 26, the team of enthusiastic volunteers has created a detailed project plan, based on community demand.

Chairman Gary Monaghan said: “We have received great support from the community. There was a huge attendance at our community meeting and everyone agreed that we had to do something to ensure the club keeps going, now and in the future.
“We are now optimistic that the club has a great future. Our bank balance is rising and people and organisations are coming back to the club.”
The club – formerly known as The Daten Club – suffered badly as a result of having to close because of COVID. At one stage it was given no better than a 50-50 chance of surviving.
But now, thanks to the efforts of the steering committee and other volunteers, the future looks bright.
The car park has been re-marked and potholes have been filled, the club’s main office has been moved to the front of the building, a health and safety inspection has been carried out to ensure compliance, exterior lighting has been repaired, defibrillators have been installed, outside areas have been tidied up, a database of volunteers created and a financial plan drawn up.
Keep-fit and dance sessions have started, a pool team has been launched, a darts area created and a regular series of quiz nights started. Family events have re-started, including a Halloween event which sold-out in 36 hours.
But more is to come – hopefully within the next six months.

The steering group is to work with the Ukrainian Hub to make a café area which will be open and accessible daily. The car park will be enlarged, the main hall will be renovated for multi-sport use as well as an event space. A catering service is to be launched for in-house events. Funding will be secured to improve toilet accommodation.
A greater variety of sports will be encouraged, regular events for all age-groups started. Long-term strategic partnerships are planned with local businesses.
In the longer term, a children’s play area, youth zone, affordable gym and a multi-sport barn are planned.

Steering committee member Alex Lee said: “We would like to say a huge thank you to the community for their feedback and support so far. The steering group, with the help of Culcheth Sports Club staff and some fantastic volunteers have been working hard to make changes and we hope people are beginning to see them.”
Mr Monaghan added: “I think we have achieved a great deal in a very short time. We know there is a lot more to do – but I am sure we can revive the club. Culcheth is very lucky to have such a facility – it really can be the jewel in the village’s crown.”


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