Local care village operator ranked in UK Top 20


Not-for-profit dementia specialist Belong, which has a care village on Loushers Lane, Warrington, has been listed as a Top 20 Mid-size Care Home Group by leading online review site Carehome.co.uk.

The rankings are based on verified customer reviews, with Belong achieving an average review score of 9.8 out of 10 from residents and their relatives across its eight villages in the North West for the past year.

Customers leaving reviews are asked to rate all aspects of a care home’s offering, including its people, care and support, management, facilities, and overall value for money.
One recent five-star review from a relative of a resident at Belong Warrington said: “My wife spent the last four years of her life at Belong Warrington. She was cared for by the “Family” of carers and staff who all gave her the best possible care in every respect. She was happy there and I couldn’t have wished for a better environment than they provided. I would have no hesitation in recommending Belong Warrington.”

Commenting on the result, Belong Warrington General Manager Claire Bibby, said: “We are particularly delighted to feature in the Carehome.co.uk Top 20 Mid-size Care Home Groups because the listings are based on reviews by people whom we support and their relatives. It is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our teams and their consistency in achieving the highest standards of care.”

You can read other reviews of Belong Warrington on Carehome.co.uk here.


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