Council attacked over budget secrecy


LABOUR members of Warrington Borough Council have launched a scathing attack on the Liberal Democrat/Conservative budget proposals for the coming year.
After an hour-long debate at a meeting of the influential multi-party Economy and Resources Overview and Scrutiny committee, they pushed through a highly critical resolution condemning the controlling coalition group for its “secrecy and lack of transparency.”
Labour said the budget report was left to be presented by Tory councillor Paul Campbell while senior council officers – who had written the report – were “noticeable by their absence.”
They claim numerous questions were asked by Labour councillors as they attempted to scrutinise the budget, only to be told by officers: “We’ll get back to you.”
Cllr Peter Carey, (pictured) Labour’s finance spokesman, slammed the coalition for “blatant secrecy” in withholding crucial information.
He said: “All elected members of the council, council employees and the general public have a right to know the extent of central government grant cuts and the extent of job losses within the council”.
The motion pushed through by Labour expressed concern at the administration’s failure to produce an open and transparent account of the council’s financial situation prior to setting the budget.
It calls on all members of the council to demand a full, written account of the loss of government grant, demands full disclosure of Town Hall job cuts and cuts in pay and calls for a complete overhaul of the style, frequency and content of financial reports made to non-executive members of the council.
The motion will now be put to the budget meeting of the full council on Monday, March 7.
After the scrutiny committee meeting, Labour leader Terry O’Neill said that while he fully acknowledged the difficulties faced by all councils at the present time, he believed everyone had a right to know all the facts.
He said: “We do not condone the deliberate suppressing of information relating to the provision of local jobs and services”.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. At least this year I understand Labour stayed – they left last years meeting because of a football match. I understand that the biggest consultation took place this year so well done Lib Dems/Con’s for this.

    More than what we ever got with Labour but then again they did sod all for the Town.

    I understand it’s all in Black and White so read it Labour – Also I understand that this Cllr Carey – was the big cheese with the books when he worked for the Council – what happened then with all the money and budgets and consultation.

  2. Reader, you don’t really seem as though you ‘understand’ very much at all. Perhaps if you actually read/researched a little more it might enable you to be more factual rather than suppositious.

  3. Good on you, Councillor Carey. We need to know just what is going on. Certainly if “leaks” are correct then the Council is some £40m short due to Government Grant cuts. How is this gap to be filled. We need to know. Certainly we do not need a Council Tax rise more than inflation. We need to know what the budget and council tax levels are soonest since all of us have to budget for any rise in 2011/12, with many residents on fixed incomes.

  4. Look at the detail – you are typical of Labour read what you want to read (which I understand is normally zero for Lab members)

    I here the staff at the council are already saying it will be dark days if Labour were the biggest party just like before

  5. I am not a member of any political party. However, you seem to be typical of the current Lib/Dem thinking. They seem to want to do just as they want without talking to the residents of the Borough spending money that they do not have. Don’t walk around with your eyes closed look arounbd the Town and see where your money is being wasted!

  6. ‘Pay my Way’, you do not seem to have a particularly good eye for detail yourself, it appears you are commenting on the above article without even having read it thoroughly! Also you are making comments re the views of staff at the council. Personally I would regard these comments as highly unreliable. The views that have been given previously on threads of the WWW forum by actual members of WBC staff, have been that confidence in the present council is at an all time low! This is also the viewpoint I have been given from a number of people who I actually know work for the council. How authentic are your sources of information?

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