Planning chiefs throw out fibre telecommunications scheme


PLANNING chiefs have thrown out proposals for the erection of fibre telecommunications exchange infrastructure at Orford, Warrington.

The proposals by London-based CityFibre Holdings Ltd involved undeveloped land to the west of Toll Bar Road and the east of the A49 Winwick Road.

But Warrington Borough Council planning chiefs said the proposals involved an unacceptable loss of open space, including a significant loss of mature trees and habitat.
This would have a harmful impact on properties on Toll Bar Road and Winwick Road.
The land in question served as a visual buffer alongside the A49.
Insufficient justification had been given for a development that would adversely affect the character of the area and the appearance of a “gateway” and a key route to the town centre.
CityFibre claimed the development would enable full fibre telecommunications for nearby properties


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  1. It would appear to be one rule for the Council (see projected building on green belt land in their proposed planning report) and another rule for the rest of us.Why am I not surprised.

  2. Pingback: Planning chiefs throw out fibre telecommunications schemePlanners throw out fibre telecommunications scheme - IP PBX News

  3. So putting a building on a small plot of land next to a major main road is seen as a loss of open space and mature trees , but it’s OK to stand by whilst others tried to stop devastation of Peel Hall. ????

  4. Pingback: Planning Chiefs Throw Out Fibre Telecommunications SchemePlanners Throw Out Fibre Telecommunications Scheme - Gary Skentelbery - All About Corporate SEO

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