Council must help business – MP


WARRINGTON North MP Helen Jones has called on the borough council to do more to help local businesses after the economy slumped, with the construction industry facing the biggest fall.
She said: “The revelation that the economy shrank before Christmas is very worrying news and shows that the Conservative-led Government hasn’t got a plan to create growth.
“The construction industry had the biggest reduction in growth of -3.3 per cent. One way that local construction companies could be helped through this period would be for the council to award more contracts to local firms that employ local people.
“I’ve been calling on the council to put Warrington first when it awards contracts and these figures show that local firms would really benefit from support from the town hall.
“David Cameron continues to claim he has saved the economy and secured the recovery. I know that families in Warrington who face higher costs thanks to rising inflation and after the VAT increase will question whether Mr Cameron has any idea what real life is like.
“What is more worrying is that these figures don’t take into account the impact of the massive public spending cuts and the rise in VAT.
“The Conservative-led Government has killed-off the recovery that had started thanks to the decisions Labour took to support jobs and to get the economy moving.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I see the point Helen Jones is making, it would be better for Warrington if contracts could be awarded to firms employing local people. Why have contractors and workers from miles outside the area maintaining WBC owned buildings? Wouldn’t it be better to give employment and possibly apprenticeship opportunities to local people? Why don’t WBC have their own maintenance workforce and within this create apprenticeships?

  2. Sha, they are not allowed to…. they have to meet best value targets, they have to be seen to be fair in awarding contracts or they open themselves up for legal action. The council have their own maintenance chaps, but they are usually employed elsewhere fixing broken road signs and planting trees and stuff. Gordon Browns statement about “British Jobs for British Workers” was just political waffle; designed to con the public into thinking he could do something about all the foreigners taking British jobs. He couldn’t and neither can WBC

  3. Dream on – Helen Jones MP HAHAHA give her a map to find her way around Warrington. Oh sorry Warrington North because she doesn’t give a stuff about ALL of Warrington at least the Lib Dems fight for the town on local issues. If Labour get in Warrington will step back 10 years plus.

  4. Helens Jones NEVER did anything when her Labour Gov were in power. WHY? Easy answer typical Labour way – Just want the power because they don’t want the to work for you AND wARRINGTON???

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