5 Ways You Can Support the Ukrainian Children of War


For more than 100 days, we have been forced to watch the people of Ukraine suffer military attacks on their country at the hands of Russia. War can have a horrifying effect on the innocent that don’t have an understanding of the politics behind the terrors they are experiencing.

This conflict will leave lifelong scars on the children, especially, the sudden confluence of their daily lives, the loss of their home, and the loss of family members. It is the responsibility of all world citizens to do what they can to help these families.

If you have been watching the war on television with an aching heart and wondering what you can do to support the Ukrainian children, there are plenty of ways to help. Organizations that focus on the well-being of children here in the U.S., like Every Child Matters, are stretching their efforts to include the Ukrainian people. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of the war on Ukrainian children and where you can donate to help.

How War Affects Children

There are more than 7.5 million children in Ukraine. When a child is exposed to the violence and disruption of war, they can suffer physical, psychological, and emotional traumas. Some of the terrible effects that war has on the children of Ukraine include:

  • Experiencing terror during bombing attacks and other military conflicts
  • Local shooting and bombing is causing PTSD in many children
  • Men are being separated from families to join the fight and leaving their children
  • Education has been suspended
  • Food shortages are causing malnutrition
  • Illness from unclean water
  • Greater risk of abuse, human trafficking, kidnapping

Most Needed Supplies

If you aren’t sure what type of donation would be most helpful to the children of Ukraine, you can always pledge a monetary donation. The most needed supplies include:

  • Baby wipes, nappies, bottles, formula, powdered milk
  • Children’s clothing, including coats, boots, gloves, and hats
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toothbrushes, facecloths, towels, toothpaste
  • Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, Decongestants, Cold syrup, antibacterial cream, rash cream
  • Coats, Hats, Boots, heavy clothing, socks, underwear, gloves

Trusted Places to Donate to Ukraine

You should always do some research before donating to any organization. Verify that the charity is legal, and respectable and will provide you with a valid receipt for your donation. These trusted charitable organizations will happily accept your donations to Ukraine.


The newly formed United Nations created UNICEF in 1946. They have raised over $11 billion that has gone to the protection and assistance of the world’s children. They are currently focused on providing the children of Ukraine with medical care, education, protection, and clean water. Donate today at www.unicef.org.uk.

Save the Children

Save the Children is an international humanitarian charitable organization focused on emergency care for families in danger. They are currently helping the people of Ukraine with housing, essential medical supplies, psychological counseling, and cash grants. Donate today at www.savethechildren.org.uk

Missing Children Europe

There is nothing more urgent than reconnecting the children of the Ukrainian conflict with their families. Missing Children Europe is an expert in finding and reuniting children across the globe with their families. Special efforts are being made in Ukraine during the conflict to ensure that children are protected. Donate today to Missing Children Ukraine – Missing Children Europe.

Sharing a small piece of your fortunate life with the children and families in Ukraine can be as easy as finding a charity near you.


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