Police in unmarked vehicles trap 387 law-breaking drivers on motorways


MORE than 400 vehicles were stopped and 387 offences recorded in a week of action by police and National Highways which saw officers patrolling the M6 in unmarked HGV cabs.

Police officers caught 98 drivers using their mobile phone illegally at the wheel and 100 people not wearing a seatbelt during the week of action, tagged Operation Vertebrae,

In total there were 412 vehicles stopped by police using the unmarked cabs, supplied by National Highways, including 180 HGVs and 122 private vehicles.
Action taken ranged from words of advice or fixed penalty notices to traffic offences being reported and even six arrests.
The North West Commercial Vehicle Unit recorded 97 offences across the five days – 11 of which involved drivers using a mobile phone at the wheel.
Forty-one drivers were handed graduated fixed penalty notices totalling £16,800 and a further five drivers given words of advice.
Cheshire Police recorded 35 offences during the week of action with 14 drivers flouting the law in relation to the use of mobile phones.
They caught a Fiat van driver who already had six points on his licence holding a mobile phone in his hand while driving.
The force also spotted a motorbike being ridden at 90-100mph and undertaking traffic. Police tried to pull him over for four junctions before he finally stopped at junction 24 saying he hadn’t heard them over his music.
He had his bike seized and was issued with a summons for alleged offences of having no insurance, no MOT and driving without due care and attention.

Operation Vertebrae took place along the length of the M6, the longest motorway in the country. National Highways deals with around 180 reported incidents on the M6 every day including a large number of traffic collisions – 3,485 in 2021.
Other partners taking part included the DVSA, Health and Safety Executive, HMRC, the Home Office and Immigration Enforcement. The DVSA alone stopped and inspected 249 vehicles and trailers resulting in 282 defects and offences being identified during the week, from 13 to 19 June.
National Highways head of road safety, Jeremy Phillips, said: “It is always disappointing when we learn of drivers putting themselves and others at risk through unsafe driving such as using a mobile phone at the wheel. But through this week of action police were able to identify almost 400 offences and halt drivers who could have caused collisions and harm if they hadn’t been pulled over.”

Sergeant Rob Anderson, of Cheshire Constabulary, said: “We have some of the busiest stretches of motorway in the country. While the majority of motorists drive safely, we do come down on those who drive inappropriately.
“We are still seeing far too many people driving without their seatbelt on, using their mobile phone, speeding excessively and not in proper control of their vehicle. The consequences can be catastrophic and all too often our officers are seeing the devastation at first hand.
“If you break the law on Cheshire’s roads, we will prosecute you. We welcome initiatives like Op Vertebrae as this multi-agency approach reinforces our collective commitment to tackling dangerous driving and making our roads safer for everyone who uses them.”
The unmarked HGV cabs are loaned to police forces across the country throughout the year as part of Operation Tramline which was launched in 2015 by National Highways, then Highways England. Over 29,000 offences have been recorded to date by officers in the HGVs since the national safety initiative began.

Vehicle operators are responsible for making sure their vehicle is safe to drive. Carrying out a walkaround check of the vehicle before beginning a journey is essential to make sure it’s safe: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/carry-out-daily-heavy-goods-vehicle-hgv-walkaround-checks
All vehicle loads should be safe and secure. DVSA have provided guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/load-securing-vehicle-operator-guidance/load-securing-vehicle-operator-guidance
Pictured: This over-loaded lorry was being driven on the M6 by a driver without a licence.


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