Police seek owners of jewellery seized from burglary suspect


POLICE at Warrington are seeking the owners of jewellery seized from a man arrested in the town earlier this month.
The necklaces were found in possession of a man arrested by police on the morning of Friday May 6 following a burglary at an address on Greenwood Crescent.
Officers are encouraging the community to share photographs of the jewellery and to get in touch if they believe it could belong to them.
PC Neil Mooney, of Warrington local policing unit, said: “We are issuing these photos to see if any of the jewellery we have can be identified by the local community as we would like to reunite them with their rightful owners.”
The police have taken possession of a number of items of jewellery, two of which pictured here.
If you believe this is your jewellery please contact Cheshire Constabulary online https://www.cheshire.police.uk/tell-us quoting IML 1261948 or call 101.
A 29-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of burglary and stalking has since been charged.


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