Council confirms Penketh footpath closures for flood management scheme


WARRINGTON Borough Council has confirmed temporary footpath closures at Penketh, Warrington, to enable work to be carried out on the Penketh Flood Management scheme.

An order closing the footpaths will be effective from next Tuesday, May 3 for six months, as and when signed on site.

Warrington Borough Council has made an order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of which will be to introduce footpath closures on Penketh Footpath No. 12 from its junction with Station Road to its junction with Penketh Footpath 1 and Penketh Footpath No. 13 from its junction with Finlay Avenue to its junction with Penketh Footpath 12.

Access will be under the control of the relevant contractor for the duration of the works.

Alternative routes will be as follows: Penketh Footpath No. 12 via Trans Pennine Trail and vice versa; Penketh Footpath No. 13 via Finlay Avenue, Ditchfield Road, Chapel Road, Well Lane, Hall Nook, Penketh Footpath 1 and vice versa.

The closure is required to allow for the delivery of the Penketh Flood Risk Management Scheme.

The footpaths affected by the closures – Picture Google Earth


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