Resident who fenced in council land wins support of neighbours – and council!


A RESIDENT who fenced in a piece of council-owned land to add to her garden at Locking Stumps, Warrington, won the support of most of her neighbours.

Two people objected to her retrospective application for a change of use of the land – but six supported her.

Now Lynette Houghton has won the support of the council too. The borough council’s development management committee has granted her application.

The committee was told the Warrington Borough Council-owned land was about 15.6m in length and 1.4m wide and was on the eastern side of a footpath which provided pedestrian access from Carden Close to Deanwater Close and also to a pub, post office, church and school.

Planning officers believed the change of use was acceptable.

The two objectors were concerned about loss of trees and shrubs, the “intimidating” height of the 6ft fence and establishing an undesirable precedent.

But the six supporters said the fence was a vast improvement and made the area look tidier and prevented the accumulation of litter and dog fouling. The path was also wider and safer to use.


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  1. Well done! Our council don’t maintain unused land so why not let the residents use it ? there is no respect for our streets, pathways and Alleyways so again well done

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