Call for Government to relieve pressure on family childcare budgets


AS the cost-of-living continues to soar Cllr. Sarah Hall, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services in Warrington, is calling on the Government to urgently help relieve the enormous pressure many families are facing with childcare costs.

Recent analysis by the Labour Party has found that the average annual cost of a nursery place for children under two has risen by nearly £1,500 in five years — and for primary school children, the average cost of an after-school club has risen 17% over the same period.

The latest analysis follows a recent survey of 26,962 parents of young children, conducted by two leading organisations for mums in the UK, Pregnant Then Screwed and Mumsnet, which found that:

  • 62% said that the cost of childcare is now the same or more than their rent/mortgage, rising to 73% for single parents and 73% for parents who work full time.
  • 43% of mums said that the cost of childcare has made them consider leaving their job.
  • 40% said they have had to work fewer hours than they would like because of childcare costs.

Clr. Hall said: “The UK has the third most expensive childcare system in the world. It is simply unaffordable for many families. As the cost-of-living squeeze worsens, the pressure on family budgets is getting more severe all the time.

My worry is that parents are being forced into part-time work or reduced hours, or even to leave their jobs completely.

Even worse, the pressure is falling disproportionately on women. Not only is it completely unfair to force women out of the workforce, it’s also terrible economic policy.

We’re not blaming providers either. After years of chronic underfunding and confusing policies from successive Conservative-led governments, nurseries, pre-schools and childminders are really struggling to remain in business. Inevitably, many providers have been forced to increase their fees and charges to stay in business.

This Government is turning its back on family life by failing to address this pressing issue. Warrington’s families ought to be guaranteed an adequate supply of affordable, good quality childcare. Instead, without prompt action, serious market failure and a shortage of places could follow.

A Labour Government would be genuinely committed to supporting families to access quality, affordable care and early education, and would invest properly in this vital sector.

If the Government is serious about ‘levelling up’ they need to recognise that access to good, affordable childcare is a part of the solution, and that it benefits everyone.

No more meaningless platitudes. What families desperately need now from the government is some real action on childcare costs.”


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1 Comment

  1. While I’m not disputing the alleged increase I’d love to know how Cllr Hall would propose raising the funds for the additional support she speaks of. We keep hearing these types of reports and stories from opposition politicians but seldom are they ever accompanied by any financial plan to resolve them. We must all recall how the Blair/Brown duo left the note telling the incoming government that the treasury was empty.

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