Housing association tackles the legacy of lockdown


WARRINGTON Housing Association has appointed two new Independent living co-ordinators in its commitment to customer care.

The housing association has employed Kimberley Flynn and Rachel Flexen to enhance support for the housing delivery team for tenants who may have struggled during the pandemic and its aftermath.

Rachel and Kimberley have joined the four-person team of independent living co-ordinators (ILCs) that help retirement customers continue to stay as independent as possible within their own homes on WHA schemes.

Rachel said: “While I used to chat to a lot of the customers on the phone as an advisor, I wanted to get out and about, see what I could do to support them to be more independent. With my strong background in customer-facing work in hospitality and retail, I really enjoy the direct contact with people, so this role is perfect.”

Apart from the day-to-day round of wellbeing calls to retirement customers, the problem solving, health and safety and ground maintenance monitoring, Rachel and Kimberley are on site to support customers with the many issues caused by lockdown.

Rachel said: “Since covid, communication has become even more important. Our residents are mostly over 60, some customers are more vulnerable than others. Face-to-face contact took a huge hit and that can really affect people, particularly if they feel lonely or are vulnerable. The team and I make sure we are communicating effectively, making sure we go out to see those who may not see family or friends very often. Our customers have really missed that human contact and we have certainly missed seeing them too!”

Kimberley agreed: “You would be surprised about how fearful people have become about going back outside to do the things they have always done.
“Previously, they might have jumped on the number 6 bus into town alone to take part in shopping or other activities, but they have become so used to shielding in their home, zooming with their families online, something like a coffee morning now seems quite alien and very daunting.”

“We are here to help build back lost confidence – small, person-centred steps can really help.”


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