Fifteen months on…how Storm Christoph flooding hit more than 1,000 properties in Warrington


ABOUT 1,043 properties in Warrington were affected by flooding caused by Storm Christoph in January last year.

Some 438 properties were internally flooded and a further 605 properties were externally flooded, across 32 locations.

This is revealed by a flood investigation report, compiled from investigations carried out covering areas known to have been affected by Storm Christoph to be presented to Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet on Monday, April 11 by Cllr Hans Mundry, cabinet member for transportation, highways and public realm.

The storm hit Warrington between Monday, January 18 and Thursday, January 21, last year. But there were significant rainfall events earlier in the month which led to saturated ground and high levels in watercourses. There was widespread flooding across the borough.

Rainfall levels for the whole of January were: Chapelford: 216.4mm; Old Hall: 218.1mm; Black Brook: 163.3mm; Antrobus: 181.6mm.

The average January rainfall in Warrington between January 1981 and 2010 was 60-80mm.

Rainfall for Storm Christoph itself was: Chapelford: 89.9mm; Old Hall: 93.8mm; Black Brook: 116.5mm; Antrobus: 78.7mm.

River level gauges on the Glaze Brook, River Bollin and Sankey Brook equalled or were higher than the previous highest levels on record.

The report aims to provide details of the flooding which occurred, analyse the flood history of the area, identify successful response measures and lessons learned and recommend the next steps.


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1 Comment

  1. Will those of us who were badly affected by this incident be receiving copies of this report? Because so far we have been told nothing by anyone! We need proper flood defences constructing ASAP.

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