“Celebrating Warrington” – a rich history of the town and people


PROLIFIC chronicler of Warrington’s rich history Janice Hayes has done it again – produced another book celebrating the town.

“Celebrating Warrington” highlights some of the significant aspects of the town’s history, including its important moments, worthy individuals and notable achievements.

From its heyday in the 19th century as a major centre of wire making, textiles, chemical production and brewing, through to its Second World War role as the largest US Army Air Force base in Europe and its subsequent reinvention as a new town in the late 1960s, the book tells how Warrington became the largest town in Cheshire, with a proud heritage and distinctive identity.

Janice, who had a 40-year career at Warrington Museum and is still honorary heritage curator there, continues to find fascinating facts about her home town and record them in a very readable manner.

She reveals a number of firsts the town is famous for from within its industries, entertainments, sporting successes, seasonal, national and local events and celebrations.

Remember travelling fairs and when the circus and other travelling entertainers came to town. Join the crowds at Warrington sporting events and be part of the welcome home parades for the town’s successful Rugby League team. Readers can witness the excitement around the unveiling of new enterprises and heritage sites, or the launch of locally built ships and the opening of Thelwall Viaduct. Then there are the reflective acts of remembrance for national and local events from major conflicts to local tragedies.

Open the family album to discover how Warrington has recorded key milestones in people’s lives or marked royal events from coronations and jubilees to when Warrington turned out to welcome its royal visitors.

Illustrated throughout, this book will appeal to local residents, visitors and all those with connections to the town.

It’s out next month from Amberley Publishing at £15.99.


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  1. I only mentioned Janice yesterday at our managers leaving do. It’s our 100 year anniversary at the Warrington Visually impaired People in 2023. Gail our manager is a budding historian with so much knowledge about the society and I’d love her to join Janice do do something to celebrate. I’ve already asked Janice to advice about a plaque on our old museum street building 👍

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