Work starts on £80,000 Penketh Pool refurbishment


WORK has started on an £80,000 refurbishment of the existing swimming pool at Penketh Pool and Community Centre.

Penketh Pool is owned by Penketh Parish Council, closed in March 2020, due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

It had been previously identified that there were several cracks/leaks in the pool walls and pipe infrastructure and a failure of the filtration system.

The anticipated cost of the first phase of refurbishment work – about £80,000 – is being wholly funded by the existing 2021/22 council budget. This has been enabled by a number of cost efficiencies made by the council following last May’s election.

The refurbishment of the existing pool is also being complemented by an overall review of the business operating model. A new business plan and strategy has been devised – in draft format- by the council’s business management committee, which aims to streamline and improve the viability of the pool and community centre and reduce dependency on the local precept.
Historically, the pool was supported by around £120,000 a year from the main council budget.

Cllr Kieran Layfield, chairman of the business management committee said: “It’s great that after many months of hard work to get to this point, building works are commencing on the pool. After seeing first-hand the work that our appointed contractor has completed at other local centres, I’m really looking forward to seeing these works come to fruition over the coming weeks.

“The council has also conducted an optioneering study on different approaches to take with the overall centre, including the entrance and the changing rooms. Various options have been identified and subsequently costed. Once the remedial works to the pool have been completed, the council will move into this next phase –and a public consultation process will be completed before any final decision is made.

Council chairman Cllr Dale Solan-Cooper said: “I’m thrilled that works are starting at the pool.

“I’ve spoken to many passing residentswho have asked when they are going to be able to come backfor a swim. The pool is a fantastic asset for the people of Penketh–it provides vital swimming education to our local young people and serves a leisure activity for the wider community. I’m really excited to finally be able to welcome back our previous service user groups and customers over the coming months.

“I really encourage the local community to get behind us as the centre reopens and help us to rebuild your asset.

”The remedial works at the pool are planned to take around eight weeks to be completed, and further updates regarding the progress and reopening of the pool will be provided as the project moves forward.”

More details are available from the council clerk via email to [email protected]


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