Planners refuse permission for care home extension


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have refused permission for an extension to a well-established care home which would have added an extra six bedrooms.

Lymm Parish Council and three nearby residents had lodged objections to the proposals at Keate House residential home in Brookfield Road.

Warrington Borough Council planners said the proposed development would represent an unsympathetic and overdominant addition to the building, particularly when added to previous additions,

The building is Locally Listed and within the Lymm Conservation area and officers argued that it would have a significant and detrimental impact on the amenities of nearby homes

There were concerns that the extension would result in further demand for on-street parking in an area that already suffered from high levels of street parking

Lymm Parish Council objected on the grounds the development was not in keeping with the surround8ing area and expressed concern about additional parking that would occur as a result of the extra bedrooms in an area where parking was already a significant issue.

An earlier application for an extension at Keate House which would have provided an extra six bedrooms was refused in 2018 and a subsequent appeal was dismissed.


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