Church appeals against refusal to allow hall to be demolished


AN appeal has been lodged against Warrington Borough Council’s refusal to grant permission for the demolition of a Locally Listed church hall.

Planners refused permission for the demolition of the two-storey hall attached to Wycliffe United Reformed Church, in December, on the grounds it would have a harmful impact on the Bewsey Street Conservation Area.

The plan would result in the rear wall of the main church building in Edgeworth Street, Bewsey, being opened up as the main elevation.

Planning officers said the proposal would not improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area and would not be sustainable development. Both the hall – built in 1901 – and the church, dating from 1851, are Locally Listed buildings. Together they form a substantial detached building.

According to a report prepared for the church authorities, the hall is in a poor state of repair. It is standing unused following the discovery of considerable structural movement in 2002.

It is derelict, in a continuing state of disrepair and is beyond sustainable economic repair.

However, its demolition would allow the continued use of the main church, preserving its architectural merit, and safeguard the local community.

The report claims the hall itself has no significant architectural merit and there have been no objections from nearby residents.

But officers say retention of the building would be preferable to provision of a car park and its loss would have a damaging effect on the conservation area, which is of a high value.

No date has yet been fixed for the appeal.


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