Local Lib-Dems propose £15 cost-of-living rebate for Bands A-D council tax payers


LOCAL Liberal Democrats are proposing a £15 cost of living rebate to tens of thousand council taxpayers in Bands A to D to soften the blow of this year’s proposed council tax increase.

They will formally propose the one-off rebate, which would cost around £1m from council reserves, at Monday’s Budget Council meeting.

Warrington Borough Council Finance Spokesperson Cllr Ian Marks said, “As a result of Government policies, the impact of COVID, the aftermath of Brexit and world events, we are all facing inflation rates that have not been seen for 30 years. These increases will disproportionately affect the less well-off in our town. There are 77,648 homes in Bands A to D so a one-off £15 rebate would cost £1.16m. We are proposing this extra £1m is taken from reserves. Excluding the social care precept increase of 1%, our proposal for a Warrington cost-of-living rebate halves the impact of this year’s Council Tax increase on households living in Band A to D properties.

“This can be administered with the Government Rebate so it involves almost no additional cost. It may be a small sum but it would demonstrate that the Council is aware of and sympathetic to the pressure on low-income households of what is a highly regressive tax.”

Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Cllr Bob Barr added, “Our proposed rebate would release £1m to be spent in the local economy, not just helping the individuals in these households, but also businesses across Warrington where the money will be spent.

“We objected to last year’s budget because it was opaque, subject to insufficient consultation, and based on poorly defined objectives under the label of Outcome Based Budgeting. This year’s budget is no better but it has been prepared by officers who have made it clear that for whoever is running Warrington, there are very few options available for cuts or new spending if the existing services, particularly those for the most vulnerable adults and children, are to be maintained.

“The Liberal Democrats do not agree with the Conservative policy of freezing Council Tax which would remove a further £4m from Warrington’s already greatly underfunded budget.”

Council Tax payers face an increase of 2.98 per cent


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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