A new way for arts professionals in Warrington to get together


ARTS professionals in Warrington are being given a new way to connect with local creatives and access a range of opportunities.
The borough council is creating a database of experienced and emerging arts professionals of all disciplines who live, work or study in Warrington.
It aims to provide a valuable resource for local creatives, helping them to find the support that they need more easily, including commissions and longer term work.
The launch of the database follows the release of a new report into the impacts of Covid-19 on the cultural sector, Culture in Crisis.
Led by the Centre for Cultural Value in collaboration with The Audience Agency and the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, the report looks at the future of culture and the arts and highlights the importance of networks to build long-term resilience in the sector.
The council aims to help build these connections through the database, which will help to connect people to networks that already exist and promote partnership working across the borough. The database will hold all information securely, so it can be used to communicate opportunities as they arise, including:
• Work opportunities, within and outside of the borough.
• Upcoming cultural events across the borough, or other events which may be relevant to the sector.
• Networking events and opportunities.
• Funding or support for cultural activity, at a national, regional or local level.
• Opportunities to take part in and contribute to discussions about future culture plans in Warrington.
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, the council’s cabinet member responsible for culture, said: “The impact of COVID-19 continues to have a detrimental effect on the creative sector, both nationally and locally, and it’s vital we do all we can to support arts and culture professionals as the sector continues on its road to recovery.
“This new database is an excellent way to keep creatives connected. It will encourage networking, engagement and collaboration, highlight available funding and support, promote new work opportunities and much more.
“Warrington’s arts and culture community will be much stronger, now and in the future, if we work together. If you are a local individual or group who works in the creative sector, please get involved by signing up to our database.”
To sign up for the new creative practitioner database, visit smartsurvey.co.uk/s/wbccreativepractitionerdatabase/, where you will be asked to complete a short survey about the work you do and the services you provide.


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