Sharing responsibility for safety on the road


VEHICLE drivers bear the greatest responsibility for safety on the road – but cyclists also have a duty of care towards pedestrians and horseriders.

That’s the message from Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer in a reminder to all road users of the importance of sharing the road and being kind and considerate when travelling.
Mr Dwyer says recent updates to the Highway Code has given all road users enhance responsibilities.

The updates incorporate a new “Hierarchy of Road Users”, giving greater priority to vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians when interacting with cars. These changes also resulted in greater responsibility placed on cyclists with regards to pedestrians and horse riders.

Mr Dwyer said: “In my Police and Crime Plan, I outlined my commitment of working with partners and Cheshire Police to educate people on the importance of staying safe on our roads.
“Pedestrians are particularly at risk from dangerous road use and these changes to the Highway Code reflect that. The updated code can help to provide additional guidance to ensure we all share the road safely.

“We all now need to understand and learn what our responsibilities are, and how we can all work together to keep each other safe.”

The changes will give vulnerable road users greater priority over cars at junctions and crossings, as well as outlining what is a safe distance to overtake cyclists and horse riders.
Pedestrians have been given greater priority and drivers, motorcyclists and cyclists are required to give way to pedestrians at junctions who are crossing or waiting to cross. Cyclists are also required to give way to pedestrians on shared-cycle tracks.

Under the new rules, drivers and motorcyclists must also give priority to cyclists when turning in or out of a junction or changing lanes. Drivers are also encouraged to stop and wait for a safe distance between cyclists at roundabouts or during slow-moving traffic.

Mr Dwyer added: “One person killed or seriously injured on our roads is one too many.

“Naturally, drivers in vehicles that can cause the most damage still have the greatest responsibility to observe the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. But the emphasis placed on cyclists to be more vigilant for pedestrians and horse riders when sharing the road is important too.

“I urge all road users to become familiar with these changes to the Highway Code. Now that cyclists have been given more responsibility with these rules, I ask that they continue to obey one-way systems, pedestrian areas and traffic signals . By working together, we can all share the road and travel safely.”

More information about the changes can be found here:


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