Motorists warned again as Scotland Road bus gate amnesty ends!


MOTORISTS in Warrington are being warned that bus gate cameras remain in force on Scotland Road in the town centre following the end of an amnesty introduced before Christmas after hundreds of confused drivers received fines.

The cameras were introduced in October 2021 but caused a storm of protest after motorists claimed poor signage led to thousands of fixed penalty notices being issued, with some receiving multiple fines.

Following the public backlash, the council suspended enforcement and paid back the fines.

A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “Following the amnesty which was agreed before Christmas, enforcement was suspended and refunds issued to all motorists who had been issued with penalty charge notices.

“Further to this, all affected motorists were written to, explaining the location of the bus gate and the reasons for its introduction. A leaflet was included with this letter, which clearly set out what routes should be followed to access destinations such as Town Hill and Prince Henry Car Park for the Cockhedge Centre, and other nearby areas.

“Enforcement of the bus gate has remained suspended to allow time for all of the refunds to be issued and for motorists to receive the above information in order that they do not drive through the gate in future and do not receive any further penalty charge notices.

“Monitoring has been undertaken of numbers of vehicles passing through the bus gate who should not. Previous numbers have fallen substantially, as a result of the information issued to motorists and the installation of further signage and road markings (to supplement the original signage which was fully compliant with legal standards). Therefore, the decision has been made to start enforcement at the bus gate again, and this has begun this week. Initially – for a short period – warning notices will be issued, with full enforcement commencing in the near future.”

The controversial bus gate was introduced to assist with the removal of through traffic from Scotland Road. It forms part of the council’s wider plans to reduce congestion, make the town centre a more attractive place for walking and cycling and to improve access for buses, by the removal of traffic rat running through the town centre.

The implementation of the bus gate means there have been some changes to access routes to and from such places as the Prince Henry Square car park, Town Hill and the main Cockhedge Shopping Centre Car Park, located off the A49 Brick Street / A57 Midland Way.

Prince Henry Square car park should now be accessed to and from the north via Winwick Street passing Warrington Central Station and Town Hill should be accessed to and from the south via Dial Street and Buttermarket Street.

In addition, the main Cockhedge Car Park now cannot be accessed via Scotland Road but instead via the A49 Brick Street / A57 Midland Way accesses, or via Dial Street and Orford Street.

Warrington Borough Council is reminding all motorists to be aware of the Scotland Road bus gate and has installed additional signage and road markings to further re-enforce the message to motorists that only buses, taxis, cyclists and emergency vehicles should be using the bus gate. This is in addition to markings and signage normally recommended nationally.

The council is urging motorists who use this route in future to ensure they are familiar with the direction they need to travel in order to access Town Hill / Prince Henry Square car park / at the front of the Cockhedge Centre and the main Cockhedge Shopping Centre car park.

Only buses, taxis, cycles and emergency services vehicles can use the bus gate. The new automatic number plate recognition cameras will capture the registration plate details of all vehicles driving illegally along the bus gate. Owners of these vehicles could receive a Penalty Charge Notice of £60 reduced to £30 if paid within the first 14 days.

The installation of the Scotland Road bus gate cameras is part of the council’s ongoing work to support sustainable transport in Warrington. It aims to deter unauthorised vehicles, increase bus punctuality, reduce congestion and improve air quality.

Bus gates help provide a more reliable bus service and increase passenger numbers by enabling buses to have a more reliable journey along some of Warrington’s most congested roads.

How does the penalty system work?
A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £60 will be generated and sent in the post in accordance with DfT guidelines. In order to encourage prompt payment, penalties paid within 14 days will be subject to 50% discount i.e. £30. Any ticket served and not paid before the end of the ‘relevant period’ (i.e. 28 days) will be subject to an extra charge of 50% (£90).

Is there an appeals process?
Yes. Warrington Borough Council is a member of the Bus Lane Adjudication Service Joint Committee (BLASJC), whose Traffic Penalty Tribunal acts as an independent appeals body. You can find out how to challenge a ticket at

Are there certain days when bus gates are not in use?
All bus gates in Warrington are signposted to highlight restrictions. If bus gates have restricted hours they will specify these, if they do not specify hours or days when restrictions are effective, they will be enforceable at all times.

Council to address complaints as motorists see red after being fined for using bus lane due to confusing signs


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. We met all the family at Warrington market for a birthday meal. Then also went to the dessert place around the corner. We live St Helens. This fine will make me go spend our money other places.

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