Warrington’s inner wards set for “continued transformation”


WARRINGTON’S Central 6 Masterplan – the town’s blueprint to ensure a cleaner, greener and healthier central ward area – can look forward to a significant period of activity over the next 12 months, as projects in inner Warrington continue to be delivered.

2021 saw significant progress in line with the town’s Central 6 Masterplan. This included completion of the state-of-the-art Bewsey and Dallam Hub, successful application for more than £500k funding as part of the ‘Safer Streets’ initiative, delivery of Victoria Park’s 3G pitch, and local approval for all seven business cases as part of Warrington’s £21m Town Deal programme – which is set to bring widespread sustainable travel benefits and employment and training opportunities, alongside redesigning Pyramid Arts Centre and establishing a new town centre Health and Wellbeing Hub.

The progress of Central 6 throughout this year is set to be equally momentous, with a further string of transformational projects and initiatives set to be developed and completed.

Cabinet member for leisure and community, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “This year, we are set to see another period of important progress for our Central 6 ambitions. We are working with partners, residents and communities to bring a range of schemes forward, and whilst these projects won’t be delivered overnight, the next 12 months will be a period of continued transformation for our central area.

“For example, this year we will be welcoming the completion of Warrington’s pioneering Youth Zone, which is a truly cutting-edge facility and model which will provide support, skills and opportunities for our young people. We can also look forward to a complete refurbishment of Kingsway House in Latchford, bringing a £5m programme of improvement works to the one and two-bedroom apartment block.

“More generally, there is already a great deal of work in progress to make improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure and connectivity. We want to introduce more alternative modes of transport, which addresses feedback raised from residents about tackling ‘rat running’ and improving air quality in the central area.

“We are also offering schemes to increase opportunities to employment, learning and skills for local people – through programmes like Journey First and New Leaf – and we can also look forward to exciting developments linked to our Town Deal, like the continued development of the new all-electric bus depot. This is by no means an exhaustive list of activities, either – the work of Central 6 is expansive and will only continue to grow and develop over time.

“Achieving the aims of the Central 6 Masterplan would not be possible without the partnership working of many organisations and businesses, alongside huge support from our residents, particularly those living within our inner wards who regularly take the time to help improve their own neighbourhoods and communities. It is this shared vision of creating a cleaner, greener and healthier central area which gives me confidence that this year will be a period of sustained progress and improvement for the Central 6.”

The Central 6 Masterplan, launched in 2019 following more than 30 consultation events and using the feedback of more than 2,500 residents, sets the vision to bring widespread regeneration for the town’s central area through eight key themes, including:

  • Inclusive, safer, greener streets – making routes across the central area safer and more attractive
  • Active waterside – opening up more of Warrington’s riverside to allow people to enjoy it for sport and leisure
  • Well connected, affordable movement – improving public transport routes and options
  • People-friendly parks and public spaces – making the central area’s public realm and parks better for both people and wildlife
  •  Local community hubs and facilities – ensuring that through community hubs people have access to high-quality facilities and services
  • Community empowerment and action – developing strong communities that are increasingly active in their local areas
  • Inclusive neighbourhoods and housing – supporting local housing and ensuring neighbourhoods are attractive and safe
  • Inclusive economy – increasing partnership work and supporting better access to training and employment opportunities

To find out more about the Central 6 Masterplan, visit warrington.gov.uk/central6. You can also join the Central 6 community facebook group.


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