Can you help steer young people away from a life of crime?


COMMUNITY organisations in Warrington that can help steer young people away from a life of crime are being sought by Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer

The Youth Endowment Fund supports projects that prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence, and awards grants to various agencies. As part of his plans to submit a bid to the fund, Mr Dwyer has launched a call for expressions of interest from organisations who work with young people and could play a role in tackling violent crime and behaviour.

They can express their interest at

Mr Dwyer said: “Areas like Cheshire are often overlooked for this type of funding in favour of the big cities, but that doesn’t mean we don’t face similar issues. We have young people and communities in our county that would benefit massively from this investment, should the bid be successful.

“I want to hear from community organisations and service providers who could join me in developing solutions and a delivering a series of projects to prevent young people from falling into a life of crime, and tackle violent crime in our county. This bid is at an early planning stage, and I want to harness every bit of experience I can to give us the best chance of success.”

The Commissioner would like to hear from a wide range of providers across the sectors who are currently delivering services, or have a desire to expand their services, to young people in Cheshire which aim to reduce serious and/or violent crime.

The theme for the funding that the Commissioner intends to bid for is Focused Deterrence. This is an approach to reducing violence that identifies individuals involved in violent crime and offers them direct positive support, as well as clear communication of the consequences of their behaviour. It also focuses on wider community engagement and discussion between victims and offenders.

More information about the Youth Endowment Fund is at:


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