Planning battle looms over motorway service area plan


A PLANNING battle is set to take place over controversial proposals to build motorway services, including a 100-bed hotel, on Green Belt land near Birchwood, Warrington.

Warrington Borough council planning chiefs refused permission for the development in June.
But developers Extra MSA Group have appealed against the decision – claiming there are very special circumstances to allow development in the Green Belt.
The matter will be thrashed out at a public inquiry.

Planning chiefs voted 7-4 to refuse the scheme in June – against the advice of their officers.
Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council and Croft Parish Council were both opposed to the scheme and altogether there were 16 objections.
The proposed service area would be on the M62, near to Junction 11.

Cllr Nigel Balding, Conservative, said the proposal would build on Green Belt land with significant visual and environmental impacts as well as adding traffic lights to the busy Junction 11 of the M62. It would be located only six miles from the existing Welcome Break Burtonwood Services.

He said: “It is a shame that this is decision is being appealed. This development has the potential to cause traffic chaos at Junction 11, spoil the far-ranging views from Gorse Covert Mounds and ruin the newly rewilded Biffa landfill site which is now extremely rich in wildlife.

“In terms of green belt, the current green spaces provide an important boundary for Birchwood on the edge of Warrington and halt urban spread towards Culcheth.

“While the site is planned to be alongside the proposed HS2 Golborne Spur, we hope that this may not happen. If these services are approved on the north side of the M62 it will provide a stepping stone towards further development along the peat-based fields east towards Manchester along the M62 as well as north towards Culcheth.”

The planning application was originally rejected because councillors considered it to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
There were also concerns that the site was on an area of peat moss which provides a carbon reservoir which helps to combat climate change.

At the time, local councillors claimed it was a “victory for common sense.”

Extra MSA already operate nine motorway service areas across the country.


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1 Comment

  1. Such an irresponsible waste of tax payer’s money, precious officer resource and also putting road safety at risk. Gap analysis shows clear need and no non-greenbelt alternatives so this is an open and shut case, just lack of political courage and leadership and cheap attempt at vote winning. Watch it successfully win on appeal – rightly so, there is a legal obligation on councils to have service areas every 28 miles or every 30 minutes to stop crashes, delays, injuries and worse

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