New measures will protect historic hall for future generations


NEW measures to protect Warrington’s historic Walton Hall for future generations have been approved by council planners.

They include re-roofing part of the Grade 2 Listed mansion in Walton Gardens – once the stately home of the Greenall’s brewery family but a flagship building for the borough council since 1941.

Where possible, existing slates will be used again and where this is not possible, matching new Burlington Welsh slates will be used. There will also be work carried to repair or replace rainwater goods.
Walton Hall was built in the mid-19th century and has undergone repairs and maintenance on many previous occasions.

Although improved energy efficiency is not a material consideration, there will be some benefits. It is thought the existing roof either has no felt beneath the slates or has a non-breathable felt fitted when repairs were carried out some 50 years ago.

A new breathable membrane will be fitted which will bring an improvement in terms of thermal performance. This will not have any impact on the appearance of the building.

Work will also be undertaken to ensure bat colonies that roost in the roof, will be protected.

There were no objections to the proposals and approved by the borough council’s development management committee.


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