Numismatic Facts To Know If You Like History


If you like history and coins, then this is the post for you! Numismatics is the study, collection, and preservation of coins and related objects.

Numismatics focuses on ancient and world history. It is a subject that can help you learn and enjoy history, and it is fun and fascinating to know and understand the history of coins. After reading this article, you will have learned some fascinating facts that might encourage you to start your own collection.

What Exactly Is Numismatics?

Numismatics is the study or collection of money. It includes all objects (coins, banknotes) used as a medium of exchange and all legal tender. It is considered the second-oldest science after astronomy (more on that in the next point). The term “coin collector” usually refers to someone who collects coins for their numismatic value but might also include other non-numismatic coins for their artistic or historical value. Numismatics has many branches specialising in specific topics within the field, including ancient coins, coin collecting, coin grading and authentication, coin design, and minting techniques. Essentially, it deals with all aspects of money, including how it is created and used and what it means for individuals, societies, economies, cultures, and the environment.

It Began With The Romans

The long-held belief that coin collecting originated with the Italian Renaissance has been questioned by evidence indicating the pastime is far older. Suetonius writes in his De vita Caesarum that Emperor Augustus collected antique and exotic coins and offered them as gifts to his acquaintances. This indicates that the field has been around in an amateur fashion for millennia. While the earliest recorded history of coin collection seems to be from the work of Suetonius, there is no reason to believe that the Romans were the only ones partaking in the art.

Countries Issue Special Editions Of Current Coins

Many countries will issue interesting and unique versions of their existing coins to celebrate historical figures or other aspects of their culture. For example, The US mint has recently minted quarters with designs that celebrate the nation’s first all-black baseball team, something of high historical importance for the USA. On the other hand, the UK Royal Mint created a William Shakespeare £2 coin honouring his stories and poems. In addition, other countries will also produce unique versions of their national coins, each portraying how that nation wants its citizens and the rest of the world to see them. In fact, you can often glean a lot about the national psyche of a nation and its people by seeing what events they choose to honour with their currency.

You Have To Pass An Exam To Become A Professional

Most amateur collectors can get by taking the amateur route. Still, those who desire to enter the field of study on a professional level will require education and certification. A passion for ancient coins and cultural heritage is the most crucial skill needed to become a successful Numismatist. However, to move on to the next step, it is advisable to attain bachelor’s degrees in History, Art history, Archaeology, Latin, English literature, etc. They will then achieve a more specific qualification like a Master of Arts in Numismatics (usually combined with archaeology).

Coins Can Tell You A Lot About The Past

There are many ways by which you can learn about history through numismatics. To study the social impact of coins during different periods in history, one way is to examine what kinds of things they were used for or how they were produced. Another way is to investigate how coins minted during particular periods reflect changes in economics. By examining coins for what they have on them, it becomes possible to know about the events that occurred and how they affected society. For example, Roman currency was minted in bronze and silver to keep track of currency units in circulation; these coins bore inscriptions with the months and years when they were stamped on them. This helped historians understand when different people took power in Rome and when various wars occurred.

Certain Coins Are Worth A Lot Of Money

The 1933 Double Eagle sold for $18,872,250 at auction, making it the most expensive coin sold at auction. There are some serious collectors out there, and if you managed to find a rare coin or banknote, you could be in for some serious cash. However, most people collect for the sake of collecting rather than to make money and merely enjoy the history and kinship it provides.

You can learn many numismatic facts to make your passion for Numismatics even more exciting. Hopefully, this post has provided you with some interesting facts and has kindled your appreciation for coins and what they resent.


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