Affordable homes plan for old church is rejected


A PLAN to convert a former Warrington church into affordable homes has been rejected by borough council planning chiefs.

The scheme involved the former Oasis Church, in Forster Street, Orford, which has not been used for some time.
Originally built as a Gospel Hall in 1898, the building was used as a church and meeting rooms, with adjoining offices. It later became the Oasis Church.

Although not Listed, there are three Grade 2 Listed buildings within 400 metres, including the Church of St Ann.
The scheme put forward involved using the building for five, one-bedroom apartments and three houses-in-multiple occupation for use as rented social housing and affordable homes.
Warrington Borough Council planners refused permission because, while a sustainable location for new housing development, there was a lack of information and justification submitted in relation to the loss of the existing community use.
The notice of refusal states: “In the absence of such information, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the development would not lead to the loss of a viable community facility or a reduction in the diversity of local services within the community. ”


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