Future of Peace Centre under review as NSPCC consult on leaving flagship building


THE NSPCC could be preparing to vacate Warrington’s pioneering Peace Centre following proposed changes in the way the national charity runs local services.

Consultations are currently underway with 18 staff based at the Peace Centre, which the charity co-owns with the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace and created as a legacy to the two boys killed by the IRA bomb attack on the town in March 1993.
With Warrington Youth Club also set to vacate the premises next year to a new multi-million pound Youth Zone currently being built near the town centre, the future use of the centre will be “under review,” pending the outcome of the consultations which are due to be finalised later this month.
It is understood that the NSPCC is considering vacating the Peace Centre in favour of operating from a regional hub in Liverpool, with staff based in Warrington on notice of possible redundancy.
It would result in the end of face-to-face work with children in Warrington, although that has already been restricted during the pandemic.
Clare Crabb, NSPCC Assistant Director for the North West, said: “We’re proposing a change to the way we run some of our local services to help us reach even more communities in the North West in our mission to prevent child abuse.
“These proposals would mean an end to our face-to-face work with children delivered from the Warrington Peace Centre. But the NSPCC would continue to be there for children in the town through Childline and our helpline would be there for adults who are worried about a child.
“Alongside this, we are proposing that a hub in Liverpool would co-ordinate all of our work across the North West, including direct services, local campaigns, community partnerships and a named person supporting every school in the region.
“We are carrying out a consultation with staff and will be listening to feedback and doing everything we can to support those affected. We have also spoken with the Peace Foundation about the proposals and further conversations will be shaped by the outcome of the consultation.
“With less early or preventative help available for families, growing online safety concerns and the impact of the pandemic, we are extremely worried about the risks facing children.
“We believe we can have the greatest impact with the funding we have by trying to prevent abuse and neglect before it happens and these proposals would help us achieve that aim across the region.”
It is understood all children and families currently receiving an NSPCC service in Warrington would complete their programme of work under these proposals.
As part of the proposals there are 18 members of staff from the Warrington service centre who are under consultation, which equates to 15.3 FTE positions.
Nick Taylor, Chief Executive at the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace, based at the Peace centre said: “The Peace Centre is co-owned by two charities, the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation and the NSPCC.
“The NSPCC locates one of its service centres in the building and has informed us that they may be making changes to their service centre network.
“They have commenced formal consultation with their employees, and it is not yet clear what the implications are. We expect to enter discussions with them as co-owners when the consultation is complete.
“The Peace Centre also provides a home to the Warrington Youth Club and they will move to operate the new Warrington Youth Zone from spring 2022 and so the future of the centre is under review.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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