Police chief flags up “Anti-Social Behaviour Week”


IT’S ASB Awareness Week – and Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer has been meeting with people who have been affected by Anti-Social Behaviour.

ASB can take many shapes and forms and can cause distress to anyone who experiences it.

Mr Dwyer said: “Listening to people across the county, all of their issues are similar.
“It’s such a shame that the actions of a few can have such a detrimental impact on the many. I’ve heard many stories which include people feeling unsafe in their communities, unable to enjoy their own homes due to anti-social behaviour and I want to send the clear message that, that sort of behaviour will not be tolerated here in Cheshire.”
Anti-social behaviour is defined as acting in a way that causes or is likely to cause alarm or distress to one or more people in another household. In order for the behaviour to be labelled as anti-social behaviour the behaviour must be persistent
ExampleS of anti-social behaviour include, but aren’t limited to:
•Excessive or persistent noise e.g. loud music or TV
•Abusive or insulting behaviour
•Shouting, screaming, swearing or drunkenness
•Using violence or threatening to use violence
•Vandalism, graffiti or fly-tipping
•Using cars or motorbikes illegally.
Over this week, the Commissioner will be sharing some steps he’s taken to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area. Some of the steps taken have involved local community groups applying to the Commissioner’s Community Action Fund.


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