Campaigners turn out to voice opposition to HS2 Western Leg


DESPITE concerns a HS2 consultation event taking place in Culcheth had not been well publicised, local campaigners and Cllrs. opposing the Western Leg, turned out to voice their opposition.

HS2 held a drop-in consultation and information event at Culcheth Sports Club to highlight the impact of its route on the local community prior to the presentation of a ‘hybrid bill’ before parliament early in 2022.

This bill is intended to approve the ‘Western Leg’ of HS2 connecting the high-speed line with the West Coast mainline south of Wigan. It will also take in the government’s Integrated Rail Plan which will recommend the way forward with a new east-west rail link – ‘Northern Powerhouse Rail’ and other proposed rail investments across the north.
Warrington Stop HS2 and Stop HS2 (North) were in evidence outside the club with their Stop HS2 table, keeping visitors informed about the opposition that they and many local residents have to the HS2 Western Link, which is also opposed by Warrington North MP, Charlotte Nichols.
Croft Parish Councillors Norman Partington and Gary Farnsworth attended the event to check out the implications for Croft both of the route and its construction phase and are pictured above at the Warrington Stop HS2 and Stop HS2 (North) table.
Gary said “The construction of the spur would detrimentally impact our local communities and local environmentally sensitive areas.
It would provide no benefit to local people as there is no convenient station planned.”
Norman added: “The Golborne Spur will cost billions, but delivers very little in return.”

All three Culcheth Glazebury & Croft Conservative Borough Councillors also attended the public consultation hosted by HS2 at Culcheth Sports Club.
Cllr Wendy Maisey OBE said “ I’ve opposed the Golborne Spur from day one. In fact it was my opposition and campaigning against it that brought me into politics in part. It will have a devastating impact on our communities and rip through the villages. The wildlife and green belt up at Partridge lakes will be decimated, we really do owe it to future generations to ensure this does not go ahead.
“We will continue to lobby the Secretary of State and will push for it to be removed from the plan. I’m clear about HS2, whilst I would like to see it stopped all together, as a minimum compromise the Golborne Spur to be must be scrapped.

Local Conservative Cllrs at Partridge Lakes

Labour Parish Councillors also attended the HS2 Phase 2b Crewe to Manchester route update at the Culcheth Sports Club to engage in information sharing and discussion with representatives of HS2. Parish Councillors and members of the public were able to view information boards and maps which could also be taken as hard copies.
Cllr Janet Seddon explained: “The issue of the Golborne Spur has blighted the area since it was proposed in 2013. The adverse effects of construction on the environment, business, and the local communities of Croft, Culcheth and Glazebury will not be mitigated by the carbon offsetting plans in place. “
Cllr Chris Smith said: “Traffic increase due to construction vehicles and road closures will have serious detrimental impacts on families, businesses and wildlife in the area. The recent gains made in reducing heavy goods vehicles through the villages will be for nothing if this goes through.”
Cllr Neill Johnson added: “Labour Parish Councillors in Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft intend to continue to campaign and organise to get rid of the Golborne Link.”

L to R Cllr Neil Johnson Cllr Janet Seddon Cllr Chris Smith


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


    • The hs2 will cause so much destruction of our countryside, homes & businesses much expense (billions)& in this area it will reap no benefit whatsoever.theyre also imagining people will use the train post covid, & get on the hs2.i think they have enough rail lines for freight already.
      To me it’s crime against the countryside,

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