Planners move to safeguard 225 homes from flooding


WARRINGTON planning chiefs have given the go ahead for major new flood defence works at Penketh which will help to protect 225 home threatened by flooding caused by climate change.

Properties in an area bounded by Shoreham Drive, Lytham Close and south of the Transpennine Trail and Hall Nook and also land bounded by Farnworth Road and Widnes Road will benefit from the scheme to be carried out by the Environment Agency.

The work aims to manage the flood risk along the Penketh Brook, Whittle Brook culvert works and tidal outfall and Widnes Road culvert.
Many residents of the area have lived with the threat of flooding hanging over them for years and in the past there have been claims that planning consent should never have been granted for housing on land subject to periodic flooding.
Warrington Borough Council‘s development management committee approved the scheme after being told the living conditions of adjacent occupiers would be protected and the proposals would not have an unacceptable impact upon the local highway network or cause any ecological issues.


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