Orford Pharmacy vaccinates more than 23,000 against COVID-19


WARRINGTON’S Orford Pharmacy has vaccinated more than 23,000 people against COVID 19 – a significant milestone in its vaccination programme.

This more than doubles the figures from April, when the centre reached 10,000 vaccinations.
Orford’s vaccination centre is managed by a small number of staff at Warrington Islamic Association.

A spokesperson said staff at community pharmacies were taking on a significant workload, even sacrificing evenings and weekends, but this work was necessary to ensure that as many people were vaccinated as possible.
“It is tough work, but without the efforts of community pharmacies and their staff, the nationwide vaccination programme would be far less widespread.
“With these sacrifices, residents of Bewsey and its surrounding areas have greater access to the lifesaving Covid-19 vaccine.
“Vaccine hesitancy has recently affected parts of the Warrington community, so staff at Orford’s vaccination centre are hoping their efforts will convince people it is a safe and easy process.
“Despite this, Warrington is currently experiencing one of the lowest case rates in the country.”
Thara Raj, Warrington’s Director of Public Health, said: “Maintaining social distancing, wearing a face covering, frequent and thorough hand washing, staying in well-ventilated areas, taking regular symptom-free lateral flow tests and getting the vaccine when offered will all help minimise transmission and will protect ourselves and our loved ones.”Residents are encouraged to wait until the NHS contacts them about arranging an appointment, as those in high-risk groups are being prioritised. Those eligible must book an appointment through the national booking service, or by calling119.


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