Town's jobs gain is at other's expense


MORE than 150 new banking jobs are to be created at Warrington – but the town’s gain will be at the expense of other areas.
The Lloyds Banking Group has announced 153 jobs in its customer contact centre in Warrington.
But only 108 will be completely new jobs with the others being transferred from Chester, where there will be job losses.
Overall, the group will be cutting 650 full-time jobs nationwide, although they claim 1,850 jobs would have been lost but for mitigation measures.
In addition, some 265 Halifax independent agencies – mostly based in existing estate agents, solicitors or insurance company offices – will be closed and this is likely to result in more job losses among people employed by third party companies.
Lloyds have decided the independent agencies – the number of which has fallen from 475 to 265 in the last five years – are no longer integral to its business model. They will be phased out by November.
However, the bank has agreed in principle a new arrangement which should strengthen the Post Office.
Halifax savings and banking customers will, for the first time, be able to deposit cash and cheques at Post Office counters, in addition to the range of banking transactions Halifax customers can already carry out at the Post Office.
Halifax will also honour the existing contractual redundancy terms of the people employed by the third party businesses operating the agencies if redundancies are necessary.
They will also be fully supported to consider the various job opportunities within the Halifax branch network.
Lloyds maintains it is committed to its network of some 2,900 branches across the country.
Warrington South MP David Mowat welcomed the news of additional jobs in Warrington.
He said: “I am delighted at today’s announcement from Lloyds TSB to create a further 153 jobs in their Warrington customer contact centre. This will make a substantial contribution to the local economy and will help the fight against unemployment”.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. We only need another ‘x’ thousand more local jobs and it will all be ok 🙁

    Are there any plans for more apprenticeships or incentives to employers to give apprenticeships for school leavers in the Warrington Area ?? There seems to be nothing at all in the Warrington area unless you want to stack shelves, work in shops or collect glasses in bars.

    Despite gaining apprenticeship college places in trades many school leavers are losing their college places as there are simply NO apprenticeships available anywhere. They of course can enrol on the alternative 3 year full time courses which surely costs the government a lot more ?!?!?

    In fact Warrington seems to offer very little for the ‘willing to work and learn’ school leavers whatsoever 🙁 Glad I am old for once !!

  2. “Halifax savings and banking customers will, for the first time, be able to deposit cash and cheques at Post Office counters, in addition to the range of banking transactions Halifax customers can already carry out at the Post Office.”

    Having the opportunity to stand in a queue behind 40-50 other people waiting at post office counters will I’m sure be warmly welcomed!!!!!

  3. “cutting 650 full-time jobs nationwide,” can hardly be seen as a measure to “help the fight against unemployment”. There will be be 650people who will certainly NOT be “delighted at today’s announcement ” plus a whole lot more who will have poorer services. Cutting fat- cat banker’s bonuses and retaining jobs and service levels would probably have ‘delighted’ more people.

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