Campaigners fight for NWDA successor


A campaign has been launched to retain a regional economic body following the Budget’s confirmation the North West Development Agency will be abolished.
Chancellor George Osborne announced that a white paper will be published in the summer to outline options for replacing RDAs. They are likely to be replaced by Local Enterprise Partnerships formed around local authority or groups of local authorities’ boundaries.
If the campaign is successful a single LEP would be formed with the same regional coverage as the NWDA, an option Business Secretary Vince Cable has not ruled out.
The NWDA’s official line remains brief while the detail of LEPs emerges.
Steven Broomhead, NWDA chief executive, (pictured right) said: “A strong, stable and successful economy relies upon strong leadership and the right framework in place to support growth. Whilst we don’t yet know the detail of the Local Enterprise Partnerships, what we do know is that in the Northwest there is strong support for economic development at a regional level.
“We look forward to seeing more detail in the forthcoming White Paper. In the meantime, our job is to continue to work closely with Government and deliver economic support to enable the region to emerge from the downturn in a strong position.”
Campaigners for a regional voice, including the Peel Group, the Confederation of British Industry and United Utilities among others, say it would help strengthen the case for public spending bids during the austerity era.
Private sector lobby groups including the CBI, Institute of Directors as well as major regional firms United Utilities, property and transport giant Peel Group, pharmaceuticals group AstraZeneca have all written to Vince Cable, Business Secretary, to express their views.
The letter was signed by Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council and also chairman of 4NW, the regional leaders board representing councils across the region.
In response, a spokesperson for the department of business, innovation and skills said: “The coalition programme clearly states that all of the RDAs will be abolished and replaced with Local Enterprise Partnerships, joint local authority/business-led organisations that will promote economic development in their area. If the consensus amongst local authority and business leaders in the North West is that the existing geography of their RDA matches the economic issues facing the area, then a regionally-based enterprise partnership could be formed. However, we want to reform and reorganise the delivery of economic development across the country, so not all current RDA functions will be undertaken by the new enterprise partnerships.
“The Government will be working closely with all the RDAs to ensure that the transition to LEPs is as smooth as possible and we will bring forward proposals in a White Paper later this summer that set out the approach in more detail.”
Warrington Council Leader Ian Marks (pictured right) said, “In my role as deputy chair of the north west regional leaders board, I see the important work done by the NWDA. It was always clear that the role of the Agency was going to be changed and given a new name. A few weeks ago I was part of a small group that met with Vince Cable whose department is responsible for regional development agencies. He made it very clear that in those regions where there was clear support from both business and local councils, then they would continue in some form. In this region that support is certainly there.
“I am convinced there is an ongoing role for a slimmed down regional body that spearheads economic development in our region. We have tremendous assets and skills in manufacturing and other high tech industries and we must ensure the north is not pushed out by the south, The Daresbury Science Campus is a great example with over hundred firms operating from it. Without the Agency, this Campus would not be there. This is important to us in Warrington because about seventy percent of the people who work there live in our town.”
The NWDA employs 480 people and spent £556m in 2009/10, much of it on behalf of central government and the European Union.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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