Omega housing plan illegal – claim


IF Warrington Borough Council presses ahead with its plan to use the giant Omega development site for a mixture of uses without consultation it will be acting illegally, a local campaigner claims.
Former trade union activist and election candidate John Mulhall has posed a number of questions to the council, under the Freedom of Information Act, following the executive board’s decision to develop Omega for business, homes and low carbon technology.
Mr Mulhall maintains the council must consult with the Planning Inspectorate, neighbouring authorities and the public before it can change the designation of Omega, which currently has approval for small and medium size industry.
The proposals amount to a “substantial” change of use, he says.
Mr Mulhall claims the council has not consulted with any of the statutory bodies, nor the residents of Warrington.
He said: “There is nothing to stop the council carrying out the necessary consultation but they are not doing it.
“They are putting the cart before the horse and I can only assume they are being very badly advised.”
Mr Mulhall’s action follows closely on a decision by the opposition Labour group on the council to “call in” the executive board decision to change the Omega designation for consideration by Scrutiny Committee members.
Labour leader Coun Terry O’Neill says references to Omega becoming a “focus for green and low carbon technology” can be interpreted as meaning an incinerator.
He believes the board’s decision clears the way for the way for industry, housing and an incinerator at Omega – and he accuses the council of trying to sneak the changes through on the quiet.
But council leader Ian Marks dismisses both claims.
He said: “There is nothing hidden here. It will go through all the proper channels.”
The international economic situation meant that Omega would have to change. If it did not, the project would never get off the ground.
It would still provide a lot of jobs and the aim was to get people living in close proximity to their work – not to an incinerator.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Sack Andy Farrall on

    Once again, WBC trying to push decisions through without due process. Exactly the same as is currently happening with Walton Gardens. If the council continue to allow Andy Farrall to act with impunity, it will be they who will need to fall on their swords. Act now, get rid of Farrall. And while you’re at it,

  2. Nothing new with this exec trying to bulldoze through their plans against public opinion……… Woolston High, Longbarn Primary, Stockton Heath Community Primary etc, etc, etc. and presently, the Omega site and Walton Gardens. Andy Farrell has obviously been chosen for his very particular skills. As a former head of planning he will know exactly how to push the jobs through quickly and effectively. Marks & Co are only too aware it doesn’t really matter whether this is done justly or even legally as once it’s done the only block to their plans would be Judicial Review…………and at a cost of £30k just to get the ball rolling……they won’t expect to be challenged.

    Andy Farrell is NOT THE DECISION MAKER. He is merely the paid executioner, Marks and Co passed the sentence on Walton Hall and Gardens years ago, whilst it appears that up until 2009 Andy Farrel was still swinging the axe in chester.!!

    It may APPEAR that he is the decision maker and he will most certainly be the one who will take the blame, but then didn’t this happen to Tim Warren who pushed the unpopular schools decisions through! Ahh, poor Tim……..but I believe he didn’t have much trouble getting an even better job with another authority. Seems for some….’every cloud has a silver lining’!!!

  3. “Labour leader Coun Terry O’Neill says references to Omega becoming a “focus for green and low carbon technology” can be interpreted as meaning an incinerator.”

    Or, could there be something else on the Omega Horizon? see another snippet of todays W W W news “How firms can go nuclear”

    “A fleet of new nuclear power stations is being planned for the UK, to safeguard Britain’s energy supply and reduce our carbon emissions.”

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