Public to be consulted on future of care services in Warrington


MEMBERS of the public are being asked their views on the future of intermediate care services in Warrington.

The borough council and NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) want to know what people think about these services which are available to help people to:
• remain at home when things start to get challenging or difficult
• recover after a fall, accident, acute illness or operation
• avoid going into hospital unnecessarily
• return home more quickly after a hospital stay
Services are usually provided by a mix of health and social care professionals with a range of different skills, with teams including nurses, social workers, doctors, and a range of therapists.
Intermediate care is a free, short-term service, where intensive support is offered to assist people to retain or regain their independence, in their own home, as much as possible. Services are either community-based, including support at home, or bed-based. We currently use different bed-based intermediate care facilities in Warrington – including Padgate House.
The council and the CCG are undertaking a 12-week public consultation to support the development of intermediate care services that are fit for the future, including looking at the future provision of beds at Padgate House.
Cllr Rebecca Knowles (pictured), the council’s cabinet member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “Intermediate care services are vital in supporting people to remain at home safely and ensuring efficient discharge from hospital. A focus on rehabilitation and recovery for people, particularly when they have had a stay in hospital or are in a crisis at home, helps them to live as independently as possible with the right care and support for daily living.
“Last year, we launched a project to redesign our intermediate care services in Warrington, including both community-based and bed-based care. So far, we have undertaken a range of modelling and engagement work which has identified that our current bed-based care provision, particularly at Padgate House, does not provide the ideal model to deliver optimal intermediate care.
“We don’t have en-suite bathrooms for patients, corridors and doorways are narrow making the movement of equipment and people in wheelchairs more difficult, and there isn’t enough space for visitors. We therefore need to consider the future of Padgate House in light of these challenges.
“We are now at a stage where we need to consult with the public on the options for the future. Please take some time to complete our short survey to help us improve our services and ensure that our resident’s receive the best possible care.”
The consultation is open to the public for feedback until 5pm on Sunday February 28.. To take part, residents are asked to complete a short the online survey.
Alternatively, if you have any queries about this consultation, would like more information about intermediate care services in Warrington, or the modelling work undertaken as part of this consultation, please email the intermediate care consultation team at [email protected] or call 01925 443322. Please contact us if you would like to request a paper copy of the survey.
Further information about the consultation proposals, including some frequently asked questions, and how to get involved can be viewed on the council’s website at


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  1. Pingback: Public to be consulted on future of care services in Warrington – Gary Skentelbery | Warrington Gazette

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