How High-Quality Jiu-Jitsu Mats Improve Your Training Experience


Jiu-Jitsu, or ‘the gentle art,’ is a martial art used as a means of fighting by employing precise techniques. It involves the use of the body strength, weight, and size advantages of an opponent. 

Rather than the striking-based martial art, Jiu-Jitsu is focused on grappling and ground fighting, which is done on mats.

Every execution of a roll, submission or escape takes place on a mat that influences performance as well as safety. Thus, you can achieve your training objectives and become a better Jiu-Jitsu fighter by using the right mat.

That said, Jiu-Jitsu mats are not just for the floor covering – they define your training environment.

Now, let’s discuss how choosing the right mat can improve your Jiu-Jitsu training and why it is worth investing in.

1. Act As a Safety Measure

The first element of concern in any physical sport is safety, and this also applies to jitsu.

While practising, you often do takedown, throw, and use submission techniques, all of which imply close physical contact with the floor. In such cases, using the appropriate Jiu Jitsu mats offers sufficient padding to minimise the impact on your body.

Conversely, using low-quality mats with a lack of shock absorption can result in strain and pressure on your joints. This can lead to injury to your body parts, such as knees, elbows, and spine. Moreover, it can also cause concussions that may be risky to your health.

All in all, premium mats are made in a way that makes them shockproof, especially for Jiu-Jitsu. These mats offer sufficient softness to avoid painful impacts during falls and enough firmness to retain the correct technique.

2. Supports Performance Enhancement


A proper training environment boosts your confidence, and the Jiu-Jitsu mats are essential for this. High-quality mats create a plain and levelled ground for training and eliminate chances of discomfort for you.

For instance, if you are executing a takedown, a slippery mat could cause a disbalance. This prevents you from performing the technique correctly, or worse, you can even fall.

However, while slippery mats hinder sweeps, submissions and transitions, mats with high grip help you to perform such moves effectively. You can work harder and smarter during your training, knowing that your environment is perfectly supportive of it.

3. Durable and Cost-Effective

Since Jiu-Jitsu mats are used by children in schools and practitioners in dojos, their durability is critical.

Routine falls, constant body contact on the mat during the training and moments of friction from the gears can wear the coat of the mat. However, this is not an issue for quality mats, as these remain safe and functional because of their durability.

Furthermore, low-quality mats deteriorate quickly, lose their softness and become a potential danger after some time. Thus, you need to change them most often, which may prove expensive in the long term. On the other hand, purchasing high-quality Jiu-Jitsu mats is economical as fewer replacements are needed.

Hence, the high-quality Jiu-Jitsu mats are a cost-effective option. Even if some may be more expensive to purchase initially, they are less likely to break or cause accidents.

4. Provides Hygienic Training Surface

Jiu-jitsu training is a physically challenging workout involving a lot of sweat and physical contact. Therefore, hygiene is paramount.

The high-quality mats for Jiu-Jitsu are designed with antimicrobial technology for bacteria, fungi and other germ control. This is important, especially in shared training areas or gyms, where several individuals use it at different times.

Premium mats also comprise closed foam cells that retain water or other fluids on the surface and make wiping easy. Their cleanability also minimises skin infection possibilities like ringworm or staph, which are often seen in grappling sports.

The proper maintenance of high-quality mats also ensures your Jiu-Jitsu training sessions are safe and hygienic.

5. Offer Comfort For Your Training

Depending on the type of sport, like grappling sport, the mat’s comfort level definitively influences your sessions’ enjoyment level.

For instance, low-quality mats can be hard, uneven, and thin, resulting in uncomfortable settings during practice. You will not be able to perform even the simple drills, not to mention tough sparring sessions.

On the contrary, soft, uniform, and firm mats make the training more comfortable and less demanding on your joints.  This comfort, therefore, leads to increased stamina and more concentration during practice sessions.

Moreover, the high-quality mats offer a good combination of firmness and softness, which can help you train for extended periods with comfort. Their surface is hard enough to enable a good grasp of techniques like sweeps. At the same time, they have sufficiently cushioned to spare the joints soreness when transitioning between positions.

So, if you want to experience the fun and pleasant Jiu-Jitsu sessions, go for the high-quality mats. These have the correct surface texture to elevate your training sessions to the next level.

6. Reliable for Different Training Requirements


It is important to understand that not all Jiu-Jitsu classes or sessions are the same. Sometimes, you might practise grappling blows like flying takedowns, while on other days, you may rehearse the guard passing or positions.

Quality Jiu-Jitsu mats are versatile, and they provide the required support and cushioning for all training requirements.

This is especially important for professional athletes who incorporate other martial arts in their training, like Judo or Karate. These versatile rolling mats come in handy during their training sessions.


Are you interested in improving your Jiu-Jitsu training session?

Then, invest in a high-quality Jiu-Jitsu mat.

The points mentioned above show how quality Jiu-Jitsu mats are capable of assisting anyone in their training sessions for a better experience.  For example, they provide safety, support performance enhancement, durability, and cost-effectiveness, as well as increase hygiene, comfort, and reliability during different training requirements.

On the whole, high-quality mats do not only safeguard you – they prepare you for becoming an expert.







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