Car ploughs through wall at Palmyra Gardens


POLICE were alerted when a car ploughed through a wall at Palmyra Gardens near Warrington town centre earlier today, Wednesday.

It’s understood no injuries were reported following the single-vehicle collision.

A Cheshire Police spokesperson said: “At 11.37 am on Wednesday 25 September, police were called to reports of a collision in Palmyra Square, Warrington.
“The collision involved one vehicle which had collided with a wall.
“There are not believed to be reports of any injuries.”


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  1. spend all that tax payers money block paving over roads outside parr hall and can clearly see there is no kerb or should i say 2 inches of it ! the pavement in the picture clearly needs building up a good 1 foot, **FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY REASONS** and is not the elderly gentlemans fault, more like WBC for poor kerbstones !

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