Council backs devolution deal for Warrington


DEVOLVING power from Westminster to Warrington was endorsed by councillors at the Full meeting of Warrington Borough Council last night.

A motion discussing moving the governance of Warrington from central to regional autonomy was presented and was supported by the councillors.
The meeting at the Parr Hall was depleted as many Labour councillors were attending the party conference in Liverpool. And Warrington Borough Council leader Councillor Hans Mundry was also absent as he’s away and sent his apologies.
The broad motion brought by Cllr Denis Matthews and it said ahead of the General Election in July, all three political parties broadly supported devolution.
It said decisions should be made closer to local people, communities and businesses they support in Warrington.

Devolution will “provide greater freedom and flexibilities at a local level”, the motion said, “meaning the council can work more effectively to improve public services for local residents.”

Cllr Matthews told the meeting: “All three parties committed to greater devolution one way or other in their 2024 manifestos.”
He pointed out that neighbouring towns and cities had seen the benefits of devolution which were “plain to see.” It was seconded by his Labour colleague Cllr Robin Frith.

Cllr Mark Browne said he “warmly welcomed” the motion, adding: “The devil is in the detail. The Liberal Democrats have long campaigned and championed devolution.
“Devolution is a great opportunity for local people as we have seen in Liverpool and Manchester city region – the opportunities are fundamental.”
Liberal Democrat Cllr Ian Marks said the party had long supported devolution and had “probably got there before the other two parties.”
Cllr Matthews added that: “The motion before us is broad” and it was essential there was a resolution from the full council.
The motion was supported by councillors who agreed to endorse the decision to begin negotiations with the government to secure a devolution deal for Warrington.


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