Swimming pools to re-open after major upgrade


THE swimming pools at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, which have been temporarily closed for significant maintenance works, are set to reopen on Monday (September 23).

As part of the pool upgrades, a brand-new pump and filtration system has been installed, designed to enhance water quality and ensure the pools remain fresh, clean, and ready for swimming.
The upgrade work is also set to significantly extend the lifespan of the pools.
Alongside the essential maintenance works, the pools have undergone a deep clean, and the changing village has been refreshed to provide a more comfortable and enjoyable environment for members and visitors.
Warrington Borough Council’s cabinet member for communities, culture and leisure, Cllr Tony Higgins, said: “I am pleased to confirm that the essential maintenance works have gone to plan and I’m grateful for the support of council and LiveWire officers in overseeing this important work.

“We carefully planned the pool upgrades over the summer period to minimise disruption, ensuring that school swimming groups and classes can resume as normal for the start of the term.
“For our swimming programme participants, the Aquatics Team will be in touch with specific details regarding your return.
“We look forward to welcoming back our members and visitors to the pool when it reopens next week”


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