Commemorative Rugby League Masters Game honours the late Peter McKeown


CROSFIELDS Rugby Club recently played host to the Peter McKeown Commemorative Rugby League Masters game, a heartfelt tribute to a beloved player, Peter McKeown.

The match brought together teams from across the globe, including a touring side from Australia, the Rebels Gold Coast, the British Rebels, and Crosfields, to celebrate the life of a remarkable man who played for all three teams during his rugby career.

Peter McKeown, born on January 19, 1947, and passing on January 31, 2024, was a valued teammate who touched many lives both in Australia, where he played for the Rebels in 2019 and 2022 and across numerous British clubs. His legacy was fondly remembered by all who participated.

In a moment that felt like Peter himself was watching over the game, ten minutes into the match, a flash of lightning and a sudden thunderstorm erupted. While it was as if Peter wanted to say “hello” to his teammates, the downpour didn’t dampen the spirits or stop play. Players, ranging in age from 35 to their mid-eighties, demonstrated their enduring fitness and passion for the sport, honouring Peter’s memory with every tackle and pass.

The game also served a charitable purpose, raising £450 for St. Rocco’s Hospice, a cause close to the hearts of those involved. Support from both the teams and spectators helped make the day a success, not only in commemorating Peter but also in giving back to the community.
Paddy Mckeown, Peter’s brother and teammate, commented: “The Peter McKeown Commemorative Masters game was more than just a rugby match. It was a heartfelt celebration of a life well-lived, bringing together players, family, and friends from around the world in a fitting tribute to a true rugby legend.”

Highlights of the day (photographs attached) included:
Mr Friendly
Pictured above – Paddy (Peter’s brother), Bernadette (Peter’s sister), and an Australian teammate, affectionately known as Mr. Friendly.

Top picture shows ⁠Peter McKeown’s family showing their support by wearing a commemorative Rebels 47 strip, proudly displaying Peter’s name, his birth year (1947), and his Heritage No.3.
⁠Despite the stormy weather, the game carried on with only one minor injury reported—an unfortunate knee injury that didn’t overshadow the event’s positive atmosphere.
Peter McKeown


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