Major plans for new drainage system for playing fields


MAJOR plans for the installation of a new drainage system on the parish council playing fields off Lingley Green Avenue, Great Sankey, have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council.

The aim is to improve drainage on the field, which currently is only rarely available to local sports clubs during the winter months.
Originally part of the playing fields of an adjacent school, the 2.65 hectares field is owned by the parish council, with a covenant that required them to forever support, maintain and improvet the land for use as playing fields.
The parish wants to improve draining so the field can support more use during the winter months. At present it is poorly drained and is only useable during a few months of the year.
The existing site has clay dominated soils which do not drain well and the plan is to install a system of underground lateral drains and collector drains, with the creation of a detention basis with a low-flow channel to store excess water.

This will be connected to the nearby Whittle Brook with a low flow control device.
The detention basin with be wet for most of the year so will add habitat value to the site.
A report submitted to planners says the proposals will ensure the playing fields are useable during the winter months and maximise the essential community facility for local residents.
The proposals are currently being studied by planners.


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