Cheshire Police looking to recruit new constables and detectives


CHESHIRE Police are looking for new constables and detectives to join the Force and play their part in helping to keep the county safe.

The application window has opened for both the Police Constable Entry Programme and Detective Constable Entry Programme.
Becoming a police officer opens up opportunities to develop both personally and professionally and make a real difference in the community.
Deputy chief constable Chris Armitt said: “We want hardworking, reliable, and dedicated individuals to join Cheshire Constabulary. If you work hard, give your best and always put victims and the communities of Cheshire at the heart of everything you do then you’ll be rewarded with a career like no other.
“You will be pushed to your limits, you will have the best and worst days, and you will be challenged on every shift – but you will also make a real difference to people’s lives when they need it most.

“In Cheshire, constables and detectives are given the training and support they need to give them the confidence to deal with whatever the next call brings. If you want to make Cheshire a difficult place for criminals to operate and make Cheshire even safer – then we want to hear from you.”
Student officers will attend their initial training programme at headquarters in Winsford. After completing initial training all student officers will deploy to their Local Policing Unit (LPU) and begin their tutor phase, working to become independent officers.
Student officers will be tutored in a frontline operational setting. Once Independent Patrol Status (IPS) has been achieved, students will be deployed onto an Area Investigation Team (AIT) where they will further develop key police investigation skills before a final rotation in to one of our Neighbourhood Policing Units.
Detective Constable Entry Programme (DCEP):
Detective Constables play a critical role in discovering the truth behind a crime. They gather, verify, and assess all appropriate and available information to gain an accurate understanding of situations. They strive to achieve the desired outcomes for the victims and continue to provide reassurance and build confidence within the community.
The two-year programme is a combination of classroom-based training and working within the operational policing environment. Students will be supported throughout this time by their trainers, tutors, and the student management team as well as their peers and supervisors based at the Local Policing Unit that they will be posted to.
Candidates can be 17 at the point of application but must be 18 at the point of appointment in order to apply.
There is no maximum age limit on applications but candidates are required to be physically fit and healthy to perform policing duties safely and effectively.
Visit for more information on the role of a police constable and detective.
To apply for the Police Constable Entry Programme visit: Police Constable Entry Programme – Cheshire Police (
To apply for the Detective Constable Entry Programme visit: Detective constable entry programme – Starting January 2025 – Cheshire Police (


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