Next-Gen of Sample Management Trends in Lab Automation


The landscape of sample management in medical labs is rapidly transforming. From the days of clinical settings to the convenience of at-home collection, the evolution of sample management has significantly impacted the efficiency and accuracy of lab processes.

This is where LIMS System Software and automated lab systems proved to be a high-end solution to keeping sample precision in check while meeting the diversifying requirements and changing trends in the medical diagnostic market.

Evolution Of Sample Management In Medical Labs

The last decade saw a huge shift in management and growth in its trends. Processes became more patient-centric while valuing their convenience, with the LIS System facing new challenges in lab management. Let’s understand the whole scenario.

From Clinical Settings to At-Home Collection

The journey of sample management has come a long way. Traditionally, samples were collected primarily in clinical settings, which often posed challenges for patients in terms of accessibility and convenience. Today, sample collection has evolved to include options like in-house sample collection, booth collection, kit-based testing, and even at-home collection facilitated by phlebotomists or self-collection kits. This shift has made sample collection more accessible and convenient, reducing patient stress and increasing participation in necessary testing.

Impact on Sample Handling Today

The evolution of sample collection methods has significantly changed the way samples are handled. Diverse collection methods necessitate robust processes to ensure that samples are accurately tracked, prepared, and processed. The need for precise data handling and efficient workflow management has never been greater.

Introducing New Age Sample Management Trends

Let’s understand the diverse trends of sample management available today and how they are growing and becoming more popular among patients.

In-House Sample Collection and Process Management

In-house sample collection and management systems streamline the entire process within the lab environment. This trend reduces the dependency on external collection methods and enhances control over sample integrity.

Sample Collection at Booths

Booth-based sample collection offers a semi-clinical environment, making it accessible for patients while maintaining a controlled setting for sample integrity.

Kit-Based Sample Collection and Testing Management

The kit-based collection allows patients to collect samples at their convenience and send them to labs for testing. This method is particularly useful for routine tests and monitoring chronic conditions.

Sample Collection at Home

Home collection methods, whether through visiting phlebotomists or self-collection kits, have revolutionized patient convenience. Samples are either shipped to labs or picked up by collection personnel, ensuring timely processing.

However, new systems and processes pose new challenges for labs. A decentralized approach to sample collection is tougher to streamline and standardize along with ensuring the quality and efficacy of the processes.

Common Challenges in The New Sample Management Processes

The common challenges in the new sample management trends are –

Manual Handling and Data Recording

Manual processes in sample collection and data recording are fraught with challenges. Human errors can lead to mismatches and data inaccuracies, necessitating strict PPE protocols and complex workflows.

Complexities in Designing Workflows

Managing multiple sample collection demands requires intricate workflow designs, increasing the chances of errors and inefficiencies. Preparing samples before they reach the lab is also a daunting task that affects turnaround time (TAT).

Other Challenges

  • Complexities in Workflows & Modalities: Handling diverse workflows increases the risk of process errors.
  • Sample Identification & Mismatch: Manual handling increases the likelihood of sample mismatches.
  • Inaccuracy in Sample Preparation: Ensuring accurate sample preparation outside the lab environment is challenging.
  • Tracking Across Multiple Locations: Managing samples across various collection points complicates tracking and increases the risk of data loss.
  • Difficulty in Managing Heavy Volumes: High sample volumes can overwhelm manual processes, leading to errors and delays.

A modern laboratory sample management system offers the best solution to these challenges by intricating every step and implementing better solutions for them.

How Online Sample Management System Aligns with The New-Age Sample Management Trends

In the rapidly evolving field of medical diagnostics, efficient and accurate sample management is critical. Integrated LIS software solutions address many of the challenges faced in traditional sample management processes. This section explores how medical laboratory software aligns with the latest trends in sample management, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall laboratory operations.

Purpose of Laboratory Automation Systems

Lab Automation Systems are designed to tackle the complexities of sample management through various innovative features. Here’s how it helps:

  1. Digitization of Sample Data

Digitized data facilitates seamless information sharing across multiple centers and modalities, improving collaboration and efficiency.

  1. Automating Sample Data Handling

By automating data entry and management, lab software minimises human errors and ensures that sample data is consistently accurate and up-to-date.

  1. Mapping Sample Data with Automated Lab Systems Using Barcodes

Laboratory sample management system that offers barcode technology for sample labeling allows for precise tracking and identification of samples. Each sample is assigned a unique barcode, which is scanned and logged into the system, ensuring that no sample is misplaced or mixed up.

  1. Streamlining Processes for Various Sample Workflows

Automated lab systems streamline different sample workflows by standardizing procedures. This means that the process is consistent and efficient whether the sample is for a blood test, urine analysis, or tissue biopsy.

  1. Ensuring Effective Sample Data Processing for Analysis

Lab automation ensures that sample data is processed correctly and efficiently, facilitating accurate analysis and quicker turnaround times for test results.

  1. Sample Tracking

With automation, the Sample Tracking Software module is efficient in monitoring the status, location, and count of samples within the lab or when outsourced, ensuring that all samples are accounted for and properly managed.

Top LIMS Sample Management Features

To support advanced sample management, the LIMS sample management incorporates several key features that are trending to facilitate management and tracking. They include:

A. Sample Management Features

Sample management features are focused on empowering ease, simplifying complexities in sample handling through various life cycles, and enhancing testing efficacy.

  1. Barcoding Samples

Barcoding simplifies the identification and mapping of patients, tests, and sample data. It ensures that each sample is correctly associated with its corresponding patient and test, reducing the risk of errors.

  1. Automated Sample Accession

This feature in the best Laboratory Information System Software streamlines the sample acknowledgment process at a processing center using barcode scanning, making it faster and more accurate. It ensures that samples are logged into the system promptly and correctly.

  1. In-built Vacutainer Tube Guide & Instructions

The best laboratory information system software includes guides and instructions for the standard preparation and processing of samples, ensuring consistency and quality. This guidance involves appropriate containers and collection methods for different types of samples, ensuring that standard practices are followed.

  1. Color Code-Based Sample Segregation & Batching

Samples can be segregated and batched based on specific codes, enhancing organization and processing efficiency. This is particularly useful in managing large volumes of samples.

  1. Interfaced Instruments & Analyzers

The best lab information systems integrate with instruments and analyzers to facilitate sample processing. Data results from these devices are automatically captured and recorded, reducing manual data entry.

  1. Dedicated Sample Workflow

Modern laboratory sample management software offers tailored workflows designed for different sample types and stages. These workflows are designed to ensure that each sample is processed in the most efficient and accurate manner.

B. Lab Sample Tracking Software Features To Look Out For

Laboratory Sample Tracking System features are more valuable in studying sample movements through its cycle, deriving bottlenecks in sample handling and management, enabling more feasibility in transfer, and offering opportunities to scale.

  1. Automated Sample Status Tracking

Real-time updates on the location and status of each sample are provided, allowing lab personnel to monitor samples throughout their lifecycle. This allows labs to trace samples that are delayed or pending in a certain task while providing faster info to fix such a situation.

  1. Automated Sample Archival & Tracking

The best lab information systems offer automated sample archival and tracking features. These ensure secure long-term storage and easy retrieval of samples, maintaining an organized and accessible sample archive without depending on handwritten and complex data management sheets.

  1. Multi-Stage Sample Management

The software for medical laboratories manages complex testing processes that involve multiple stages, ensuring that each stage is completed accurately and in a timely manner. This is why a medical lab management system is most needed in anatomic and molecular testing labs.

  1. Home Collection and Kit Management

Advanced medical laboratory management software integrates diverse collection methods, including home collection and kit-based testing, into the lab’s workflow. This ensures that all samples, regardless of how they are collected, are handled consistently.

In a nutshell, Lab Automation Software significantly enhances sample management processes. Labs can achieve higher accuracy, efficiency, and overall better performance by automating data handling, improving sample tracking, and streamlining workflows. These advancements align perfectly with the new-age trends in sample management, making lab automation an essential tool for modern medical diagnostics.

Benefits of Medical Lab Software for Next-Gen Sample Management

As medical laboratories embrace automation, the benefits extend across various aspects of sample management, significantly enhancing overall operations. Here, we explore the key advantages of implementing medical lab software in next-generation sample management.

  1. Hassle-Free Sample Management

Simplifies Processes from Collection to Testing: Medical lab software streamlines the entire sample management process, from collection to testing. This seamless integration reduces manual effort and the complexity of handling samples, making the workflow smoother and more efficient.

  1. Error Reduction

Minimizes the Risk of Sample Mishandling, Mismatches, and Errors: Automated systems reduce human error by ensuring precise data entry, sample tracking, and processing. Barcoding and automated data handling prevent mismatches and mishandling, ensuring that each sample is accurately identified and processed.

  1. Enhanced Tracking

Improves the Ability to Monitor Samples Throughout Their Lifecycle: Advanced tracking features allow labs to monitor the status, location, and condition of samples from collection to analysis. Real-time updates and automated status tracking ensure that lab personnel are always aware of where each sample is and what stage it is in.

  1. Quality Maintenance

Ensures Adherence to Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Control Measures: Automation enforces compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) and quality control measures. This consistent adherence to protocols maintains the integrity and quality of samples throughout the testing process.

  1. Operational Efficiency

Boosts Productivity and Performance, Even Under Heavy Workloads: By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows, lab software enhances operational efficiency. This allows staff to focus on more critical tasks, boosting overall productivity and performance, even during periods of high sample volumes.

  1. Turnaround Time Improvement

Accelerates the Testing Process, Providing Quicker Results: Automated processes speed up sample handling and analysis, significantly reducing turnaround times. Faster processing means quicker results, which is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Standardization & Compliance

Aligns with ISO and NABL Protocols, Ensuring Regulatory Compliance: The Laboratory Automation System is designed to comply with international standards like ISO and NABL. This ensures that labs meet regulatory requirements, maintaining high standards of quality and reliability.

  1. Adaptability

Facilitates Easier Transition for Staff from Traditional Methods to Automated Processes: Transitioning from traditional manual methods to automated systems can be challenging. However, medical lab software is designed to be user-friendly, facilitating a smoother and faster transition for staff. Training modules and intuitive interfaces help staff adapt quickly to new systems, minimizing disruption and enhancing efficiency.

To explain in summary, medical lab software brings transformative benefits to next-gen sample management. From reducing errors and enhancing tracking to improving turnaround times and ensuring compliance, lab automation is a vital tool for modern medical laboratories. By adopting these advanced systems, labs can significantly improve their operations, leading to better patient outcomes and overall efficiency.


Embracing new-age sample management trends can significantly enhance lab operations and business outcomes. Lab automation not only aligns with these trends but also provides a necessary tool for modern diagnostic testing. By adopting advanced sample management practices, labs can improve efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes.


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