Son still not fit to stand trial accused of murdering “lovely mum”


A teenager accused of murdering a Warrington woman can now be identified as her son.

Chintzia McIntyre, aged 48, described by neighbours as “a lovely mum’ was found outside her home in Phoenix Place, Chapelford, at about 9.40 am on August 29 last year having been seriously assaulted.

She was pronounced dead at the scene after police, paramedics and an air ambulance had been called.
Her son, Frederico Canuzo, also of Phoenix Place, has now had his 18th birthday and can be publicly identified.
His case has previously been heard at Liverpool Crown Court but as he was then a juvenile he could not be identified by the media.

It was before the court again today (Mon)for a pre-trial review and Judge Andrew Menary, KC, the Recorder of Liverpool, was told that the defendant is still not fit to stand trial.
His trial had originally been listed to begin in January but that was postponed until today. At his last hearing in April it was agreed that that date would also have to be vacated.

Dan Travers, prosecuting, said this morning that a further adjournment was requested “to enable continuing treatment for the defendant in the hope he will become fit.”
After hearing that a psychiatrist is to provide a report next month, Judge Menary further adjourned the case until July 18.
Canuzo, who is detained at Rowan View Hospital in Maghull, was not produced at court today.


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