Community pub asks local people what they want


GLAZEBURY’S community pub, The Raven, is continuing to consult with local people to make sure it provides what they want.

A recent example involved developing a new menu.
Spokesperson Peter Sturman said: “The Raven was set up according to what our community said they wanted from a community pub.
“We have continued to consult with and listen to feedback from our customers and
shareholders – a recent example being the new menu.
“This was in response to feedback from diners over recent months. However we took it a step further by trailing proposed new menus for a week and inviting diners to complete a questionnaire on their experience.
“That allowed the chefs to adjust and tweak the menu according to the specific feedback. It has been a lot of work but very much worth it.
“Of course it doesn’t stop there. We must always listen to what our customers are telling us. Our views, tastes and preferences can change over time – and The Raven will always move with the times.
“Last month we introduced our volunteer’s initiative. This is really taking off, helping the Raven to maintain its high standards, whilst allowing those who are able, to become even more involved in the Raven.”
Anyone wishing to become involved as a volunteer can contact the Raven on [email protected]


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1 Comment

  1. Saddened & dismayed on

    Having visited this establishment on quite a few occasions I have to say it’s a great pub and a credit to those that have saved it. the atmosphere has always been really good, not too sure about the introduction of a TV though, seems to be out of keeping with the over all ambiance and charm of the pub. I appreciate that there are those who want to watch the footie etc. but, for me at least, it just doesn’t sit right in the Raven!

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