Meet the candidate: Ryan Jude, Labour’s candidate for Tatton


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RESIDENTS in Lymm will be voting for a Tatton MP this time. The Tatton constituency has seen its fair share of political drama over the years but its largely been viewed as a Conversative “safe seat’ – until now.

The latest opinion polls show that Tatton could be a closely-fought battle between incumbent Conservative Esther McVey, the self-proclaimed Minister for Common Sense and GB News presenter, and Labour’s Ryan Jude, who works as a team leader in an environmental non-profit business.
Ryan, 28, who is married to Sarah, grew up in Cheadle Hulme and his love for the environment – now his career – was nurtured in the local area. He’s spoken to more than 3,000 local residents in the last few weeks on everything from restoring public services to the cost of living.
Ryan said: “My parents moved to the UK from India to work for the NHS, and they made it their new home. I spent my youth enjoying the wonderful natural environment and local towns and villages.
“Growing up, I volunteered at local groups supporting children and adults with learning disabilities, like my brother. Such groups provided a lifeline for members and their families. I saw first-hand the impact that former Tatton MP George Osborne’s austerity cuts had on these local groups, families and communities. I knew I had to help fix things.
“The people of Lymm deserve better. We are all paying more, for less. As public services crumble around us, and our environment is polluted, anti-social behaviour is rocketing, while Esther McVey seems more interested in her TV career.
“I’ll be a hard-working, full-time MP – and very proud to be our most local MP ever!”


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