New plan for homes on land close to famous Battle of Winwick Civil War site approved


RENEWED plans to build new homes close to the site of the famous Battle of Winwick – the last major battle of the English Civil War, have been approved by Warrington planners.

The plans by Bellway Homes for 154 new homes replace a previous application for 163 properties and associated areas of open space, access, car parking, landscaping and ancillary works on land and at Golborne Road, Winwick, Warrington.

The approval comes with a number of Section 106 agreements with funding towards various projects in and around the area.

Local Cllr. Stuart Mann commented: “I’m disappointed that in addition to the 1200 homes approved for Peel Hall the committee saw fit to approve another 154 homes in the parish as part of the local plan and one so close to the huge Parkside Regeneration scheme less than a mile away in Newton-le-Willows.
“The combined effect of both Peel and Golborne will be nearly a doubling in size of a village that is already bereft of any doctors, dentists and adequate public transport links.
“It will also put immense pressure upon Winwick CE primary school which has been over-subscribed for 4 out of the last 5 years and although the Peel Hall development includes a new primary school this won’t be built until after at least 400 homes are complete.
“This could mean parents in Winwick having to drive their children to alternative schools elsewhere.
“Specifically in relation to Golborne Road, it was worrying that so soon after the local plan was approved and the additional safeguarding this approval was supposed to bring to the remaining green belt that the DMC saw fit to approve not only the original land but an additional 8 metre buffer NOT in the local plan increasing the size of the development space.
“Whether this means WBC broke their own LP at the first hurdle I’m not sure but it does set an unnerving precedent for the many other locations around our town earmarked for development.
“It was also disconcerting that even with the lack of essential services in the village I mentioned before that a majority of the section 106 monies for the Golborne road development was initially proposed to go outside of the village itself with money for playing fields and Drs in Culcheth and leisure facilities at Jubilee hub.
He added: “It was only after Winwick Parish Councillors and myself objected to this disproportionate allocation outside of the village that consideration to include Winwick Leisure Centre and Playing fields was made. Which if approved will be fantastic for the community.
“The last update I had was that these local amenities were now ‘in the 106 pot’ but that’s not a guarantee of anything yet.
“I am very aware of the national shortage of homes and the urgent need to build more and whilst I objected to the amount of Greenbelt included in the local plan and the poor engagement undertaken with the people of Warrington as part of the process I do understand that it is now approved (Fiddler’s ferry objection not withstanding).
“With that approval however comes a great deal of responsibility by WBC to ensure they adhere to the rules and processes required to deliver it fairly and considerately to the people of Warrington as a whole and especially those closest to any construction.
“This means NOT approving developments on any other part of the green belt, prioritising allocation of 106 monies to those communities in closest proximity and that traffic infrastructure is enhanced to cope with the inevitable increase in vehicles every development will bring, which I may add means better joined up thinking over multiple sites.
“For example, the developments in Deacons Close and Golborne Road and Peel Hall may in isolation produce traffic estimations that are ‘manageable’ but when you remember the vehicles for all these will use the same roads it could be a recipe for even more gridlock.
“I accept that the Golborne Road development is going to go ahead but am determined to make sure the developers stick to the planning conditions and most importantly that the community of Winwick benefits as a whole as a result of the change and challenges the addition of 154 new houses will bring.”

The site lies to the east of the Registered Battlefield “Battle of Winwick” (also known as Battle of Red Bank) 1648. The site is entirely outside of the designated area, separated from it by the A573 Golbourne Road.
Planners say the the proposed development site makes a positive contribution to the heritage values of the Registered Battlefield, providing a buffer to the hedged A573 which is believed to have been used
as part of the battle and forms its eastern extent. That contribution is at most moderate, given that the proposed development site has a modified field pattern, is crossed by pylons, and contains no evidence to indicate any Civil War action in that field. A metal detector survey was undertaken on behalf of Bellway Homes (Manchester) in relation to the current application and no evidence for Civil War action was identified within the site. The flanking position on Golborne Road is likely then to identify the limits of the area of engagement, which did not include the site. There is no physical evidence of the battle within the site. The archaeological advisors to Warrington Borough Council (CAPAS) has advised that no further archaeological mitigation is required.

As part of the approval developers Bellway Homes have agreed a number of section 106 agreements incluidng ht eprovision of affordable homes and £142,413 towards the provision of improved swimming facilities at Orford Jubilee Hub, or Woolston Neighbourhood Hub or Winwick Leisure Centre and Recreation ground.
A further £154,154 for improvements to Culcheth Medical Centre and £13,398 towards the restoration of habitats at Holcroft Moss special area of conservation.
There would also be provision of a local play area.
There would also be £178,669 for various sports pitch improvements for Warrington Junior Football league and senior Rugby League at Winwick and Culcheth and £833,451 towards imporved enhancements at Winwick CE Primary School and £637,980 to improve facilities at Beamont Coilegiate Academy and Padgate Academy.
A further £120,000 would go towards improving access to bus stops on Newton Road and Myddleton lane.


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Hi Gary, I wouldn’t call this NIMBYism. Stuart is right to call out the 1,200 additional homes at Peel Hall and the massive Parkside development. These developments make zero sense, given that Winwick village is regularly gridlocked.

    I don’t live in Winwick, btw, so this isn’t nimbyism from me, either. It’s just common sense. Housing should be developed rationally, in partnership with sensible infrastructure planning. It’s just basic capacity management – not exactly rocket science.

    • I do live in Winwick Gary, and it isn’t regularly gridlocked. When it is it’s down to a problem on the m6 not regular traffic. 150 new homes won’t make a significant different. The councillors take is absolutely nimbyism and unrealistic.

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